Justin's POV

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Justin's POV:


"I'll be right back" "where are you going?" "You'll see, I'll just be back in a second." "Okay."

I walk back inside leaving (y/n) sitting there & go find the boys. I walk back into the recording room where Nick, Scooter & everyone is.

"Hey guys." "Aye Justin what's up? Is she okay?" "Yeah she's fine I just uh have a question to ask." "Yeah?" "Can I take her somewhere?" "Where are you taking her Justin?" "I don't know, I just want to take her someone. We really do need to get to know eachother a little bit better don't we?" "I guess but like I said last time don't get to know eachother that well." "I know Nick, we understand. So can I please just take her somewhere?" "I guess, you guys did pretty well the first time & even though we only got two rehearsals done today you can take a break for today." "Alright thanks Nick. I promise I'll have her back by tonight." "Hey you can do whatever, as long as both of you are here tomorrow we're good." "Sweet dude! Alright we'll see you guys later." "Peace Justin."

I start walking out of the room when Alfredo puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Get it Bieber." "Lmao! Fredo you already know;)" "there we go! Ma boy." "You know. Hahah! Peace dude." "Have fun ma brother."

I walk out of the room & back outside where (y/n) is waiting for me. I see her on the phone with someone & stand behind her listening to her conversation.

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