What's going on?

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My alarm goes off at 10:30am & I get up from bed. I go into the bathroom & change from the clothes I wore when I came home to fresh clothes that would make me look nice. I brushed my teeth & combed my hair & walked downstairs. 

"Hey hun how was your nap?" "It was good. Hey I'm going to get going. It takes me like 20 minutes to get there & if there's traffic I don't want to be late." "Okay honey give me a call when you get to the studio." "Will do mom. Bye." "Bye sweetie."  

I walk out of the house grabbing a jacket & my pocketbook & get into my car. I turn on the engine & begin driving towards the studio. On my way there I get stuck in some traffic so I decide to give Nick a call. 

"Hello?" "Hey nick." "Oh hey (y/n) good morning." "Good morning. Didn't we just say that this morning? Lol." "Yeah. Haha. I forgot that we talked this morning." "We did. Haha! Anyways are you on your way?" "Yeah I just got stuck in some traffic." "Okay, did you hear from Justin he's not picking up his phone." "I'll give him a call." "Okay (y/n) I'll see you when you get here." "Okay, this traffic is moving but slowly I'll get there." "Aight."  

I end the call with Nick & than I give Justin a call from my Bluetooth connection.  

"Hello?" "Hey Justin where are you?" "I'm just getting out now." "Now? But we have to be there at 11!" "So what if I'm a couple of minutes late you can't do anything without me." "You're right I guess we can't do anything without you. Alright well call me when you get there cuz I'll be waiting." "Well than I better zoom there so I don't keep my gorgeous waiting." "Don't hurt yourself on the way Bieber." "Only for you I'll make sure I don't." "Uh I'll see you when you get here Justin." "I'll call you." "Okay." "Hey (y/n)" "yeah?" "I love you." "I love you too now get here safely." "I will."  

I end the phone call with Justin & the traffic begins moving pretty quickly now. I get to the studio in about 29 minutes just in time for the clock to hit 11. I walk inside & see everyone standing there. I see them all staring at me with looks in their eyes. 

"Uhm what's going on?"

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