Welcome back

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When we get back to my house Justin turns the car off & gets out. He comes over to my side of the car & opens the door. Justin grabs my arms & puts them around his neck & picks me up off from the seat so I'm in his arms. He brings me up to my door & rings the doorbell. My sister comes to the door & opens it up.

"Hey Jess." "Ah!!!!!!!!!! You're Justin Bieber!" "I am! Lol. Can I come in?" "Well you are holding my sister so of course you can come in. Lol."

He brings me into the house & sets me down on the couch.

"Thank you Justin." "You're welcome babe."

He gave me a kiss & started walking towards the front door again.

"Seriously Justin you're going to come drop me off at my house & just leave me here?" "I thought you needed rest? You just got home." "I know I did but I don't want you to leave yet!" "I'm not going to leave if you don't want me too." "I don't want you too!" "Than I won't leave babe." "Thank you! Now come sit down next to me." "Okay baby."

Justin walks over to the couch & sits down right next to me. He puts a pillow on his lap & picks my legs up so they're stretched out on the pillow & places his warm hands on my legs.

"Isn't this more comfortable." "For sure it is! I'm freezing so your hands are making me warm." "You know I can warm you up anytime ;)" "JUSTIN DREW BIEBER! My sister is right here." "Haha sorry babe, sorry Jess." "No it's cool. Lmao! It would be freaky if anyone else said that to her but it's fine when it's you." "Ewh Jess so my boyfriend can say something to you & you won't be alarmed because he's Justin Bieber but if it was a normal guy you would be weirded out?" "Wait? What did you just say? You're boyfriend!" "Yes I just said that Jess." "You & him? Justin Bieber & you! No." "Tell her Justin." "It's true Jess." "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! (Y/n) you're dating Justin you know what this means?" "No what does it mean." "You're going to be bombarded by so many people." "I know that's my only worry." "I would never let anyone hurt you (y/n)." "Awh that's so cute! Okay I can take this now! That was the sweetest thing ever." "Don't be doing this all the time Jess. Lol! He'll be here alot." "Justin Bieber in my house all the time. Yup I'm okay with that." "Just stop Jess! Lol! Go do something, I need to talk to him." "Okay I'm going upstairs." "Okay."

Jess goes upstairs to her room & shuts the door.

"So you wanted to talk to me?" "No I just wanted her to leave. Lol."

My parents walk through the door when they hear talking in the living room & see Justin and I sitting on the couch.

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