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"Why are you all looking at me weird?" "(Y/n) what's going on with Justin & you?" "Nothing's going on between us why?" "Alfredo just told us about what happened the other day at the concert."

I gave him the dirtiest look ever.

"What the hell I thought Justin said not to tell anyone!" "He did but I can't just keep that from these guys. They're like my family & if something is going on I have to tell them." "Well thank you....." "I'm sorry." "Whatever." "So what's going on with you two?" "Nothing, he kissed me at the show the other night but that's all that happened I swear!"

Justin walks into the studio & just stands there staring at all of us.

"Uh hey guys what's going on?" "Alfredo told everyone what happened the other night at the concert!" "What the hell? I thought I told you not too." "I had to Justin I'm sorry!" "No whatever. I can't believe you would do that to me Alfredo after you said you wouldn't." "It slipped, I swear. I'm so sorry Justin!" "Just stop. I knew I shouldn't of told you what happened!" "Well you told me what happened last night." "Wait what happened last night?"

I looked at Justin after Alfredo mentioned last night.

"Excuse Me? What did he just say." "Yeah he told me all about last night." "Seriously guys what happened last night?" "Nick it's nothing. Justin you told Alfredo what happened?" "I didn't mean too." "Oh so it just slipped out like it did from Fredo's mouth about the kiss the other night?" "We were just talking & I told him everything. I am so sorry (y/n)!" "Why are you sorry? It's not like my whole heart just broke into a million pieces." "(Y/n) I'm sorry! I didn't mean to tell him." "But you did? Why! You said you wouldn't tell anyone!!!!" "OMG woman I said I'm sorry. Isn't that enough." "NO! You're seriously so worthless to me right now it's unbearable! Please get me away from him before I do something bad."

I storm out of the room & go outside. Nick comes out to find me pacing back and forth!

"take me home." "But what about rehearsal (y/n)?" "Nick I don't even care anymore. Just get me away from him before I blow because it's getting close." "Well than we have to cancel rehearsal." "Fine do whatever you have to do. I just can't see him right now." "If you really can't go through rehearsal...." "No I can't. Just please." "Okay I'll be right back (y/n) you stay here." "Okay."

Nick goes back inside to tell them that we have to cancel rehearsal so I keep pacing back & forth until I hear the door being open again.

"So can we go Nick?"

We I turn around I see Justin standing there.

"OMG get away from me." "Can I just talk to you for a second?" "NO! Nick!!!!" "Come on (y/n) please? Just for a second. I'm so sorry." "NICK!!!!"

Nick walks back out of the studio to see Justin standing there.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here. (Y/n) get in the car." "I just want to talk to her."

He begins taking a step towards me & I back away a little bit.

"(Y/n) grab my keys & get in the car now!"

I back away from the two of them & get into Nick's car. I see him push Justin so hard that he falls to the ground as words are coming out of his mouth. Once Justin is on the ground Nick starts walking away & all of a sudden Justin gets up & pushes Nick forward. He turns back around & pushes Justin again & they get into a real fight this time. I decide to get out of the car to stop them from fighting. I get in between their fight.


Both Nick & Justin go in for a punch at eachother & before I know it I'm the one going down on the ground & blacking out.

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