Why do you like me?

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"I'm really glad you're feeling better (y/n) I'm so sorry this happened to you, I never meant for something like this too ...." "Justin!" "Yeah." "Stop talking. Lol! I just want to lye here forever with you because nothing else matters." "So I guess we won't be working on a song anytime soon?"

I slapped him on the arm once he said that to me.

"Haha I'm kidding. It's better that you take time to heal from this than anything else." "Hey I have a question?" "Of course babe anything. What's up?" "Why did Nick & you hate eachother?" "We didn't hate eachother." "So than why did you guys fight?" "We were actually fighting over you." "Me? Why were you fighting over me?" "I don't know we're stupid. You got mad at me for telling Alfredo what happened the other night at my concert & everyone found out so Nick told me to stay away from you." "Now why would he go & do that? He knows I love you." "& I love you too but I was kind of being a jerk. I told you that I would never tell anyone what happened & I went to tell my best friend." "After telling me all of this I think I remember what happened. & uhm....." "What is it babe?" "Well I think after I got home this morning I told my sister what happened. Are you mad?" "Well I went & told my bestfriend so I guess I can't be. I guess it's not a secret anymore." "Yeah I guess not. They're the only two that know right?" "I think so? I haven't told anybody else have you?" "Nope. I only just remember telling my sister & that's it." "For right now that's good enough. Now can I ask you a question?" "Absolutely." "After this whole thing happened & everything are we bf/gf?" "The Justin Bieber asking me if we're considered bf/gf? Wow what did I do right!😍" "Everything." "Well before I answer tell me why you like me & I'll tell you why I like you. Just be warned my list will go on for hours. Remember 5 years Justin, 5 years." "How could I forget. Haha." "Come on tell me why you like me as I pinch myself really hard everytime you compliment me because this is real & not a really fantastic long dream😝" "wow well let me think. Mhm......." "Well this list will be very long than." "It's alright it doesn't look like I'm going anywhere soon. Lol." "You'll be out of here by tomorrow (y/n)" "I hope so I want to go back to my normal life." "You'll never have a normal life again if you go with me." "Don't say that! Why would you say that." "My life is filled with drama & unwanted attention I don't want to put you through that." "I don't care what I would have to put myself to be with you that would be a dream come true!" "So what's your answer?" "Tell me why first?" "Really?" "Yes!" "Okay well......"

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