I can't believe that happened

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I wake up the next morning to find Justin still asleep so I decide to get up & make him breakfast. I get up out of the bed & throw on a robe with some slippers than slowly open the door trying not to make alot of noise & walk down the stairs. I get in his kitchen & it's absolutely huge!  

"Man if I had a kitchen like this I'd have a party everyday."  

I rummaged through his pantries for anything that he had. I found a box of his favorite cereal & I grabbed a glass to fill it with orange juice. Once I got his breakfast together I put it on a tray & brought it upstairs right in time for him to wake up.  

I placed the tray down on the side table & got back into the bed. 

"Good morning beautiful." "Good morning :)" he kissed me on the lips. 

"Breakfast in bed? I thought I was supposed to do that for you. Men bring the women breakfast in bed." "Well I decided to switch it up I guess." "& my favorite cereal also. This is why I love you!" "Haha, I love you too."  

Justin begins eating his breakfast. 

"So about last night?" "Yeah what about last night?" "We can't tell anyone what happened." "Of course I would never do that to you (y/n) unless you said I could." "No definitely do not tell anyone what happened. I'm not even going to tell Madison because then she'd just come here & kill me." "That's one intense friendship you have then. She'd kill you if you told her what happened?" "She was way more obsessed with you than I was. I mean I was pretty bad but her... OMG! I love her though, we shared that in common." "Common interest- obsessing over me? Okay I like it. Haha" "she would die! I'm just not going to tell her. Our little secret." "Whatever you say babe." "OMG I can't." "What?" "I can't believe you keep calling me babe. This whole thing hasn't registered completely in my head yet that I really met you after 5 long years & that happened last night." "It was magical." "It certainly was."  

He gave me another kiss & finished eating his breakfast. 

"We have to go to the studio." "Okay I'll make sure I'm ready." "Okay I'll be in the bathroom taking a shower & getting changed." "You sure I can't join you ;)" "no. Haha!" "Awh please😊" "don't give me your puppy face. Lol. You can imagine it Justin." "Not like I didn't see it last night." "Oh dear lord. I'll see you in a bit. Make sure you're ready." "Okay." 

I walk out of the bedroom picking my clothes off from the floor & walk into the bathroom to turn the shower on.

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