Now it's official

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"I like you because you're sweet, kind, don't care what other people think, friendly, (y/n) this list could go on forever." "Awh well that's so sweet Justin!" "Let me ask you what do you like about me?" "Are you serious? This wasn't supposed to turn on me. I wanted to know why a celebrity like you would like a normal girl like me. Don't even get me started on why I like you." "Come on tell me." "I could tell you your whole life story." "Oh really? Go ahead." "You Justin drew Bieber was born on march 1,1994 in Stratford Ontario Canada at 12:56AM at st. Jude'a hospital. Your doctor was Dct. Simon Bexelham in room 206 & your blanket was purple because they didn't have anymore blue blankets. That's why your favorite color is purple. Your mom has raised you your whole entire life & at age 2 you taught yourself how to play the drums. Than you eventually learned how to play the trumpet and the piano. Your mom started posting videos of you when you did your Stratford idol so family members that couldn't be there wouldn't miss you. The video got the attention of Scooter and he called your mom. He told her he wanted you to move to Atlanta, Georgia so that he could see what he's working with. When you got there he brought you to a studio where you met usher & sang you got it bad. Justin Timberlake & usher fought for your contract & usher got it. You have 39+million followers on twitter & is the #1 superstar in the world leading lady gaga in twitter followers." "Wow." "Oh & currently you're sitting here with me right now cuz you love me😊 that's it." "You know more than I do. Lol" "see I told you:p" "well than you have to be perfect for me." "Stop! Haha. You make me blush. Why are you so perfect?" "Perfect? You're the one that's perfect. I never thought I would feel this way for one girl but once I met you everything changed."  

I got red in the face like I always do whenever Justin says something really cute to me. 

"You're beyond perfection (y/n) & because of that I love you." "Awh!! I love you more!" 

Justin leans in to give me a big kiss on the lips. We break our connection & touch our foreheads together. 

"Now about that question you asked about the whole bf/gf thing." "Yeah?" "How could I say no to your adorableness & the fact your Justin Bieber even makes it better;)" "well duh:p so can I officially say you're my girlfriend?" "Yes you can. Lol. & can I say I am officially dating you Justin Bieber my boyfriend?😊" "You certainly can babe."

He kisses me again & everyone begins to come in.

"Aye (y/n)." "Hi Nick." "Look I'm sorry about everything." "It's fine. I've gotten over everything these last couple of hours." "Are you sure?" "Yeah. Now can Justin and you make up cuz it would be kind of weird having my manager & my boyfriend hating eachother." "You're boyfriend? When did this happen." "Like a second ago before you all walked in." "Are you happy (y/n)?" "Couldn't be happier." "Well than I can't argue with your happiness. Whatever or whoever makes you happy makes me happy." "Thank you Nick. Now you two say sorry to eachother."  

Justin gets up out of the bed & walks over to Nick to give out his hand. 

"I'm sorry Nick." "No Justin it's my fault. I really didn't want her being with you because of your crazy lifestyle but just seeing her happy is enough for me. So I'm really sorry Justin & I'm happy for you two." "Thanks Nick."  

Nick takes Justin's hand & they shake on it & give eachother a hug.  

"Awh my two boys! I love you both." "Love you too (y/n)." "I love you too babe."

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