Jess knows

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When I get inside my little sister is sleeping on the couch.

"Jessie. Jessie wake up." "Huh? What time is it?" "It's 8:30 Jess. Wake up! I'll make you breakfast if you get up." "Well than I'm getting up. Haha. Good morning (y/n)" "good morning Jess." "Did you just get home?" "Yeah, I was out last night." "With who? Was it Justin?" "Yeah. Lol." "Awh how cute! What did you guys do." "Well we went out for dinner & than afterwords we went back to his house to watch a movie." "Awh that's so sweet. So you guys went back to his house afterwords & watched a movie eh? Anything else happen (y/n)?" "Like what? Lol." "Come on you definitely got it on with the biebs." "NO I certainly did not. Lol! You're crazy." "Come on (y/n) I know you've had the biggest crush on him for 5 years already. There's no way you just watched a movie with him. I would go into panic mode & tap that ish." "JESSICA LYNN! You're too young to be saying that kind of stuff." "(Y/n) I'm 16 I think I know what's going on. So tell me did ya tap that last night?" "If I tell you will you promise you won't say anything to mom, dad or anyone!" "I promise." "Pinky promise?" "Pinky promise!" "Okay so than I guess I can say I did tap that." "(Y/N)!!!!!" "OMG be quiet mom and dad are still sleeping!" "Okay I'm sorry. So you banged the Bieber. Man that's something I would of never thought would happen." "Wow thanks Jess." "No what I'm saying is that I knew that would happen but not with Justin Bieber." "Yeah I didn't think that either. That was a new one." "Man! My sister getting it on with the biebs. How the hell are you going to tell mom & dad?" "We're not going to tell mom & dad they'd friggin kill me." "Yeah they would! Wait what about Nick, he's going to to friggin kill you." "I'm not telling Nick either, I'd be dead before I knew it." "You lost your v-card to Justin Bieber. Someone's going to find out eventually." "Let's just hope not too eventually." "Man girl you got yourself into some deep shit." "I know.....I know."

As my sister & I are sitting on the couch we hear our parents coming down the stairs.

"Goodmorning girls." "Good morning mom." "So (y/n) where were you last night that you didn't come up?" "Well....." "(Y/n)?!" "I was out with Justin last night." "Young lady, what were you doing out with Justin last night?" "What dad, we went to go get something to eat & than we went back to his house to watch a movie." "You went back to his house? You haven't even known the boy for a week?" "So? It's not like we did anything. We went back to his house, put in a movie & I fell asleep on the couch." "Did Justin sleep on the couch with you?" "No dad. He went upstairs when the movie was over & than we woke up this morning. He just brought me home." "Okay as long as you two didn't do anything." "We didn't dad I swear." "Okay sweetheart. Well anyway I was thinking that all of us could go out for lunch today? How does that sound?" "That's a wonderful idea hun." "Yeah I'm down for that dad." "Okay & what about you (y/n)?" "I actually have rehearsal at 11 today." "You can't just call Nick & tell him something came up?" "I'm sorry dad. This is my dream I can't just give it up. If I call out today I'm done." "Nick won't understand?" "He doesn't understand anything." "Well than we should consider getting you a manager who actually understands family time." "Dad we don't need to go do that. Listen I have rehearsal at 11 & I'll see if I can get out of there by 12:30. How bout that?" "12:30 okay. Call me though to tell me if you can get out or not." "I will I promise. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go upstairs & put on some fresh clothes & get washed." "Okay sweetie. Just let us know when you're going." "I will."

I walk upstairs into my room & pick out clothes for today. Once I have my clothes picked out I look at the clock & see that it's only 9 so I decide to take a nap (by myself) & set my alarm for 10:30am.

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