Dinner w/ my parents

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"Yeah! What?"

I wake up in my living room to find Justin standing on top of me.

"Justin?" "Hi babe." "Uh hi? I thought you went home." "I did but than your dad called me." "My dad called you? Why?" "He asked if I wanted to come over for dinner." "But before I fell asleep he told you he wanted you to leave." "I know but I guess your mom talked to him & he just called me." "Oh well I'm glad you're here." "Yeah me too."

I lay up from the couch & Justin goes to sit down next to me as I lay my head on his shoulder & my legs out on the table.

"You okay babe?" "Yeah, I just had the weirdest dream ever." "What was it?" "We were getting married." "Well that sounds like a fantastic dream! What was so weird about that." "It wasn't a normal dream. In the dream you were my best friend & not this number 1 superstar mumbo jumbo stuff. You were just a normal person." "Wow a life where I wasn't famous! I wonder what my life would of been like if I never did become famous?" "I wonder what my life would be like if I didn't have you to talk about 24/7 with my friends. Would I just be a normal teenager without a celebrity crush?" "I'm sure you would of had a crush on a celebrity." "Well duh but I don't know who? It's hard to think that though because it's not like I can even think about it since we can't reverse time & you are so famous & I did talk about you 24/7 with my friends. Pretty sure if you were never around I would never have as many friends & I do now!" "You would have plenty of friends! I don't see why you wouldn't have millions of friends." "Before you I only had one true friend. Now I have over 200+ friends because of you. Honestly I should be thanking you right now." "We can do that later." "Oh my god. Not in that way. Haha." "Awh man. Lol!"

Just as Justin and I finish talking my mom walks into the living room.

"Guys dinner is ready if you want to eat." "Okay mom we're coming."

Justin gets me off from the couch onto my feet & holds me by my arms. He walks me into the kitchen where my mom & dad already are & pulls the chair out for me. Justin sets me down in the chair & pushes it back in to take his seat next to me. My mom brings all the food she prepared to the table & sets it down.

"Wow mom this looks delicious" "thank you sweetheart." "Yeah mrs. _____ this looks absolutely delicious. I'm starving." "Why thank you Justin, I hope you enjoy it."

She takes a seat at the table next to my dad & we all grab what we want to eat. When we all grab our food we begin eating & it's silent for a couple of minutes.

"So Justin do you plan on having a career in music your whole life?" "Dad!" "What it's just a question." "It's okay (y/n) & no sir I actually hope to settle down by the time I'm like 25 & just live a regular life, or try to at least." "And how many kids would you like to have?" "OH MY GOD!" "I would say like three? I have a little brother & sister so to me it would be another me, my brother jaxon & my sister jasmyn. So I think three is a good number." "Three? You're a brave person. I struggled as a dad with two. Especially girls." "Yeah I understand. My family consists of 2 boys & a girl so either one is fine with me. I'm just more of a boy kind of person so that I can teach them how to play baseball & all the things my dad never taught me how to do." "Oh I'm sorry. Did your dad pass away or something?" "Oh my gosh no! You see when I was born my mom & him weren't really married so when my mom had me my dad kind of went his own way so my whole life my mom raised me living in Canada." "Is your dad still around now?" "Oh yes more than ever! I do everything with my dad now, he goes everywhere with me." "Well I'm glad your dad is now back in your life. It's always good to have a father figure in your life." "It definitely is sir." "So if your from Canada do you like hockey?" "Oh boy, he'll talk about this for hours." "I love hockey! Toronto Maple Leafs is my home team." "Mom can we go inside!" "Sure sweetie."

Justin & my dad talk about sports & hockey while eating their dinner & once we all finish my mom & I grab their plates to go into the kitchen.

"Well your father seems to be coming around." "Yeah, & I hope he stays that way because I really care for Justin." "I can see he really cares for you too sweetheart." "Thanks mom."

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