I'm going home!

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"Well now since everything is settled can I please get the heck out of this hospital bed?" "We can't take you anywhere until the doctor says so." "But I'm fine. Do I look like I have any injuries anymore?" "No." "Than get the doctor and ask if I can get out of here." "We can't." "Hey I'm on it more than any one of you!" "See at least someone can respect my wishes! Thank you boyfriend😊" "of course girlfriend;)"

Justin walks out of the room to get the doctor.

"Man i'm going to have to get used to that." "Me too. I'm the one that's going to be calling him that." "Now since you two are dating can you keep your personal business to yourselves? Lol." "Yes I promise. Haha!"

Justin comes back a couple of minutes later with the doctor & they walk in.

"Hi (y/n)." "Hi doctor. So what's the diagnosis?" "You're absolutely fine. All the injuries you had are gone & your memory seems to be fine so I don't see why we can't send you home." "Now?" "You are more than welcome to go home now if you want." "PLEASE!" "Sure, let's just sign you out & get you out of here."

I get up from the bed & I'm a little wobbly from not walking for a long period of time so I get up & almost fall over but Justin catches me in mid-fall & holds onto my arms.

"Look I caught you beautiful." "Haha thanks."

Everyone walks out to the main entrance & someone signs me out of the hospital & I write my signature in script.

"I never realized how adorable your handwriting was." "Ewh it sucks. Haha!" "No it doesn't. Better than mine." "Well we have the best of both worlds. If something needs to be written with the left hand you can handle that one & anything with the right I'll handle." "That's actually pretty smart. You're smart babe" "I know:p"

I sign myself out of the hospital & we all walk out of the hospital?

"So where too now (y/n)?" "I think I need to get home for right now. My parents don't know what happened & I need to tell them." "Your parents know what happened." "Really? Who told them." "Justin did. He had to make sure they knew what happened. He apologized for it but told them about it." "So they know?" "Yeah." "That's great. I'm going to get so much attention when I get home." "They'll understand that you need to rest. But you're right we should get you home."

Justin walks me towards Nick's car & than he opens the passenger side.

"Wait!" "What?" "I can't go with you?" "I think it would be better if you went with Nick." "No please Justin! Can you drive me home." "If it's okay with Nick?" "Nick is it okay it Justin drives me home?" "I don't know." "Please." "Okay, okay! Be careful Justin." "I will I promise." "Okay! (Y/n) call me when you get home okay?" "Yeah definitely." "Okay. I'll see you guys later. Bye" "bye Nick."

Nick gets into his car & drives off & so does everyone else. Justin brings me to his car & gets me in. He leans over me & puts my seatbelt on & than gives me a kiss. He goes over to the drivers side & gets in to start the car. When he gets in he starts the engine & drives from the hospital to my house.

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