Gee thanks dad

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"Oh my gosh you're home!" "Yeah I just got home a little while ago." "How are you sweetie? We heard what happened." "I'm fine mom. Just in a little pain, but other than that I'm fine." "I knew he was trouble!" "Dad he's not trouble. It was a mistake! He didn't mean to hurt me it was all am accident." "I don't think it was. I'm sorry Justin but I think you should go." "No dad! Justin stay!" "No Justin, I think if you were smart you would go. I need to talk to my daughter." "Completely understandable sir. (Y/n) I'll talk to you later." "Okay:'(" "I love you." "I love you too."

Justin picks up my legs from his lap & gets up from the couch to place them back down with the pillow underneath. He gives me a kiss before walking through the front door & going towards his car. I'm left in the living room with my mom & dad.

"Awesome thanks dad!" "What are you doing with that boy anyway? He's nothing but drama and trouble." "He's nothing like that dad? Don't speak about my boyfriend that way!" "You're boyfriend? He's not your boyfriend." "Uhm I think he is so if you don't mind don't speak about him that way." "Well if you're dating him than I say you two break up." "Break up? We just started going out & I'm not breaking up with him no matter what." "If you're not going to break up with him I will for you." "Why? Do you not want me to be happy!" "Of course I want you happy darling, his lifestyle is nothing like yours. In the future everything's going to be trouble." "No it won't. I don't know why you think that?" "I'm done talking (y/n) I would tell you to go upstairs but you can't move so just stay here. We'll talk later." "No thanks, now if you don't mind I'm just going to stay here & mentally kill myself." "(Y/N)!" "What? Dad's pissing me off. Just leave please." "Okay darling we'll leave you alone."

My parents walk out of the living room & go down into the basement.


Parents POV:

"James what did you think you were doing?" "I don't like that boy he's nothing but trouble. He's going to get her hurt." "I don't believe he would hurt her. I know what he means to her & I've been with her for the last 5 years listening to how much he means her. He seems like such a sweet kid, he wouldn't hurt her." "I hope not Liv, I hope not." "He wouldn't."


I decide to give Justin a call as soon as my parents go downstairs. I pick up my cell phone & dial Justin. I wait for the phone to pick up & after a couple of dials he answers.


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