Feeling alone

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My mom and I clean the dishes & grab the dessert. Vanilla cake with buttercream frosting & sprinkles. We bring it out to my dad & Justin sitting at the table still talking about sports.

"Alright that's enough boys you can talk about sports some more after we're done eating dessert." "Alright sweetheart. Justin we'll continue discussing this after dessert." "You got it mr. _____"

*in my head*

Oh yay Justin's going to stay after dessert yet even if I want to relax with him he'll be discussing sports with my dad.... Well at least they're getting along. I'm really glad my dad's coming around.


We all grab a slice of cake & Justin takes his fork to chip a piece off & feed it to me.

"Cake for my princess." "Haha awh why thank you Justin."

I slowly go towards the cake on the fork & when my mouth gets to the fork it caresses the piece of cake as I look at Justin slowly taking my mouth out than licking my lips. Justin's eyes widened & he smiled a little bit & got lost in what was happening.

"I hate you for doing that." "No you don't;)" "you're right I don't. Don't tease me like that though." "Like what? I was just getting the cake." "You were being all sexual." "Oh you're right. I'm sorry?" *sarcastic*

We all finish the cake as my mom goes into the kitchen to clean the plates leaving my dad, Justin & I in the dining room.

"Hey Justin the hockey game is on inside you wanna go watch it? It just started." "I would love too mr. _____" "but Justin I thought you were going to come relax with me?" "I will in a little while babe, let me just see the first quarter of this." "Ugh okay. If you need me I'll be upstairs."

He's not even paying attention to me as he continues to talk to my dad & gets up to go into the living room.

"Alright cool bye."

Since my mom is in the kitchen cleaning the dishes and Justin and my dad are in the living room watching the hockey game I have to get up from my seat myself & drag myself up the stairs to my bedroom where I open the door & linger to my bed.

Once I get on my bed I lay backwards looking up towards my ceiling until I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Jessica comes through the door & sits on the edge of my bed.

"So how did it go (y/n)?" "Horrible." "Horrible? Why." "I think dad's trying to take Justin from me." "Why do you think that?" "They're downstairs watching hockey right now? What boyfriend leaves their girl all alone while he's hanging out with his girlfriends dad?" "Well at least dad is getting to know Justin better. I know he didn't like him at first. Who knows maybe their friends? Now having your boyfriend and dad be friends is a good thing isn't it?" "Yeah, I mean I want them to be friends since they are my boyfriend and father but he seems like he wants to spend more time with dad now than me." "I don't think so (y/n) Justin's not that kind of person. He loves you & just wants to keep you happy." "I guess you're right Jess. Thanks." "Of course. I hope you two can work everything out." "Yeah me too. I hope Justin let's me know when he's leaving." "I'm sure he will. If you need me I'll be downstairs helping mom." "Okay."

Jess walks out of my bedroom leaving the door open & I can hear Justin and my dad screaming at the tv like men do when someone scores a goal or something & I throw the pillow over my ears.

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