I dare you.

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When I get backstage Justin is already standing there wiping away the sweat from his body.

"Son that was amazing! I'm very proud of you." "Thanks dad! Couldn't of done it without any of you." "My little boy growing up, I'm going to cry :(" "OMG Pattie you're going to make me cry." I get too emotional & start crying again! Pattie comes over to me as the both of us are crying into eachothers shoulders.

"Oh women! Y'all are emotional human beings." "I'm going to throw something at you Nick if you don't be quiet. I'm sorry we're emotional! This is my only son & I'm very proud of him. So don't be telling me I'm emotional." "I'll be right back, gotta make a phone call." "You do that." "Awh mom, don't be crying! You neither (y/n) I hate seeing people upset. Especially people I care about." "Well than you better get used to me cuz I'll be crying alot." "I'm gonna throw this sweat towel at you. Stop crying (y/n)" "do it Justin, I dare you."

Justin takes the towel & throws it at me. I stop crying & just look at him.

"Ewh! Someone get this boy to a shower now. Disgusting!"

He walks up to me & starts poking my sides. I laugh the whole entire time until Justin places his hands around my waist & I grab his hands bringing them up towards my mid-rib section of the waist.

"What do you think you two are doing?"

Nick walks back into the room & stares at us both.

"He just threw his disgusting towel at me because I was saying he better get used to me crying." "Justin can I talk to you for a second?!" "Sure Nick." "We'll be back in a sec, Pattie, Jeremy keep an eye or her." "Okay?"

Nick & Justin walk into his dressing room & shut the door, while I stand there with Pattie and Jeremy.

"I wonder what that whole thing was about?" "I'm not sure. I hope everything is okay? Nick's been acting a little weird lately? I wonder what's up." "I think he's just trying to protect you from Justin." "Why in the world would he do that? He wants us to do a duet together so why would he want to protect me from him?" "He probably just doesn't want a relationship to come out of this whole thing. He wants to keep it professional." "We are keeping it professional? I mean we only just met eachother so I'm sure nothing is going to come out of it that quickly." "I don't know what's up with him? He's just cranky. Give him time (y/n) he'll come around." "Yeah,

I'm sure."

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