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When I run down the stairs I see Nick standing at the door. "You ready to to (y/n)?" "Yeah just lemme grab my jacket." "Okay don't take too long." "I won't. Lol!" I go into the hallway closet to grab a jacket & walk back towards the front door. 

"Okay I'm ready." "Alright have fun you guys!" "Thanks mom. I'll be done with rehearsal around 7 so don't wait up for me on dinner I'm sure I'll get something on the way out." "Okay sweetie, I'll see you soon! Nick take care of my precious daughter." "Like always mrs. ( )" "okay, be careful! Call me!" "I will mom. See you later." I go over to give my mom a hug & than walk out the door to Nick's car. He lets me in on the passengers side & closes the door behind me to go to the drivers side door. Once he gets inside he starts the engine & heads off towards the recording studio. On the way to the studio i'm completely quiet.  

"Hey (y/n) are you okay?" "What? Yeah I'm fine. I just heard something on the news this morning that got me a little rowelled up, I'm okay." "What did you hear?" "I don't know, I was flipping through the channels & landed on TMZ they were talking about Justin. Supposedly he went out to the strip club last night with lil twist & got wasted?" "I don't believe Justin would do that?" "Yeah I suppose you're right, I guess he wouldn't. Okay thanks Nick, i'm fine." "Okay (y/n)"  

It takes about 25 minutes for us guys to get to the recording studio & he parks the car. The two of us get out & walk inside to a big recording studio. Electronics are everywhere! Bass speakers, soundboards, microphones, sound-proof booths.  

"This place is bigger than my house!" "Yeah this place is pretty huge." Nick & i walk towards the recording room that says "Justin Bieber"  

"I guess we're not the only ones trying to record today." "Nope, people record here everyday." "That's awesome! Well let's go in." The two of us walk into the room & Justin is already in the room behind the glass where the microphone is, Scooter is chilling on a chair w/ lil twist & Alfredo. 

"Well good morning guys." "Good morning Scooter. What are we doing today?" "Well (y/n) I was thinking that you & Justin could get some parts of the song done today & than we'll take it from there." "Alright that sounds fine with me." "Okay well Justin's going to finish this part of the last song he's doing & than we'll get you in there." "Awesome! I'm ready." "Alright sweet."  

Justin looks at me from the room and smiles. I smile back at him & give a little wave. Justin finishes recording the last part of the song he was finishing up & than it's my turn to go into the room with him. 

I open and close the door when I go inside & i start walking to the microphone next to Justin.  

"Why good morning gorgeous." "Haha, good morning Justin." We hug eachother & he gives me a peck on the cheek.  

"Uhm mhmff guys." "Yeah." "Do that on your own time." "Or no time at all, either is fine with me." "Yeah Nick we get it. Now go on." "We'll start the song from the beginning & (y/n) when Justin gives you a signal to go just start singing okay?" "Yup." "Okay, ready Justin?" "Ready." "Alright, sound in 3.2."  

The song begins to play & Justin's voice electrifies the room. I'm listening him sing through the headphones that they have me put on so you can block out any other noise. It gets to my part of the song & Justin says it's time. I begin singing my heart out to the part of the song & than Justin joins in. The two of us finish the end of the song together

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