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He goes to shut the door quickly & than jumps onto the bed. He starts kissing me all over the place & I laugh really hard. 

"Hahahah stop! OMG" "Never! Lol"  

I begin to throw pillows at him to try & make him stop but he just kisses me some more & I can't help but let him keep kissing me. It's like a power came over me to a point where I couldn't stop. It was like a dream but I couldn't pinch myself to wake up from it because it was real. We kissed some more & than it started to get intense. He started undoing my shirt and than I started undoing his. Once his shirt was off I just placed my hands on his abs as we were pushed against each-other. His abs were rough but you could feel the muscles in his stomach.  

"Holy crap I didn't know how much you worked out!" "Don't you love it?" "Oh absolutely. Haha."  

He than started going down to my waist & eventually holding onto my ass. 

"Told you dat ass." "JUSTIN!" "Yup that's right you'll be saying that again in a second."  

He just kept kissing all around me. Biting on my ears, my neck, all around back to my lips that were just waiting for his soft & seductive lips. He pushed me down on the bed & began to pull off my shorts. After he got them off I went for his & got them off. Mostly all our clothes were on the ground besides for Justin's boxers & my underwear & bra.  

It seriously had to be the longest make-out session ever. I guess you lose track of time when something like that's going down.  

It gets to a point where I just can't take it anymore.  

"Justin!" As he continues to kiss me all over the place. "Mhm yeah babe." "Can you stop now. Haha. I'm getting tired." "Seriously?" "Yes. Lol! There's plenty of time for more of that but for right now I think I've had enough." "Uh fine."  

He places his last kiss on my lips & than lays down beside me.  

"So?" "What? Lol." "That was pretty fantastic if I do say so myself." "Oh shut up. Lmao! I gave in. I would of never done that in a million years." "But you did ;)" "guilty, you're cuteness dragged me in." "Of course it did (y/n)." "It did! Lol." "Was that your first time?" "Why do you wanna know? That's my business." "I was just asking, you don't have to answer. I'm not forcing you too." "Thank you. That's one thing I'll keep to myself." "Okay love. So you want to get some sleep." "That would be lovely."  

Justin & I get underneath the sheets & I pull myself right up against his side.  

"Goodnight babe." "Night Justin." 

He gives me a kiss before laying his head on the pillow. Before I lay down I shut off the light & get comfortable. 

"Yes that was my first time." "Really?" "Hey no more questions. Haha! Goodnight." "Night baby." 

I push myself down in the bed & lay my head on Justin's chest to fall asleep.

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