Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

            When I went to English class the next day I didn't even get in the door before Mr. Hobins grabbing my attention.

            "Are you going to pay attention today Miss Gotlins?" he asked as I walked in.

            "Hey man, asking a lot of me.  But to answer your question, probably not, you don't thrill me." I know that seems a bit rude but I like to get straight to the point. 

            "Well then," he gave me a smile then pointed at some kid in the front row, "you, kid, switch places with Lucy."

            The kid looked irritated about this but he didn't refuse.  I sure did.

            "Don't move," I turned and warned the student.

            "Excuse me, Lucy." I heard Mr. Hobins say. I looked out of the corner of my eye to look at him, "I'm in charge here not you.  Now take a seat so I may start class."

            I can't believe this guy, well actually I can.  He's a teacher and he thinks he can tell me what to do.  I looked back at the student still looking at me.  The student looked like he didn't know what to do, which is probably true.  I have a reputation that scares a lot of people.  Even though I look like a sweet and innocent teenage girl, I'm not. 

            "Hey kid what's your name?" I asked the scared student.  He looked more petrified when I talked to him.

            "Mike," the kid answers.

            "Mike, how would you like to eat with one tooth in your head?" I threaten him.

            He shakes his head no at me.

            "Miss Gotlins, did you seriously just threaten a student with a teacher present?" Mr. Hobins asks me.  Was he that dumb?  Of course I did!  Now for my wish to be granted...

            "Yeah, apparently I did," I answer him.

            "To the office now, Lucy."  Yes, wish granted.

            I turn to the door with a smirk on my face, glad I got what I wanted.

            "Wait," Mr. Hobins tells me, "that's what you were aiming for wasn't it?"

            Really, how would he know?  "You think I like being sent down to the office because you don't know how to handle your students?"

            "Lucy, sit down in Mike's seat, Mike move to the back."  Mike looks at Mr. Hobins, his look says like he disagreed.

            "Sir, do you know who she is?" Mike asks the teacher.

            "Mike, I really don't worry about it." Hobins tells Mike.

            "She actually can make me eat with only one tooth," Mike says with a trace of scared in his voice.

            "I'll protect you Mike," Mr. Hobins tells him.

            "No one can protect me now," Mike says walking back to my old seat.

            He was right; no one can protect him now.  And now I'm pissed.  Payback will be mine.

            Mr. Hobins starts class after I sit down with a disgusted look given to him.  I think he can now tell he's pissed me off. 

            Class goes on and all through it, I could care less what is being said by the idiot attempting to teach. 

            Finally the bell rings to end class.  I grab my bag and head out the door; but of course, I get stopped.

            "Lucy, stay here a minute," Mr. Hobins tells me.

            I head out the door even after he yells for me to stay two more times.  When I get to the hallway I still hear Mr. Hobins yelling at me, I'm all the way to the end of the hall when I hear "Lucy Gotlins, come back here now or you'll be suspended."

            That caught my attention.  My mom said if I get suspended again I'll be on my way to boot camp for the summer.  I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to see Mr. Hobins standing in the hallway waiting for me to come back.  My anger gets ahold of me after I see the smug look on his face knowing he got my attention.  Wonderful.  I slammed my bag across the hallway and it slid right in front of Mr. Hobins.  He looks shocked after he realizes what just happened. 

            "Get in my classroom now Ms. Gotlins," he yells down the hall to me.

            I stomp down the hall in front of him and pick up my bag then walk into the classroom and slam the door shut before Mr. Hobins has the chance to walk in.

            "What is your problem?" he asks me entering and closing the door.

            "My problem is you, duh."

            "How can I be a problem for you when you don't listen to what I say?"

            "Dude, if you're gonna be teaching me, you best figure it out now that I don't listen to any teachers. Ever.  They all know that now."

            "Maybe you should, you'd get a lot further if you listen to the people in charge."

            "That would never happen."

            This teacher was starting to get really irritating.  Why does he care so much that I don't listen to him? 

            "Well, I won't take it.  You'll have to at least listen to me for seventy minutes every day.  I highly doubt it will kill you Lucy."

            I started walking to the door when I really saw his eyes.  His dark brown eyes were burning into my blue ones.  It was frightening that I couldn't look away.  I put my bag over my shoulder not looking away from him when I had the urge to do something. 

            We stood there for a good thirty seconds staring at each other when I moved towards him slowly.  I stopped when I was about 3 inches away from him.  He looked at me a little confused.  I looked right at him then leaned in and kissed his lips.  His lips were completely perfect; plump, full and tasteful.  After a minute I pulled back.  He looked at me for a second then started to say something but I ran out of the room and down the hall way.

            "Lucy! Lucy! Wait Lucy!" I heard him scream at me down the hall, following me out of the school and to my car.  I got in my car and locked the doors.  Mr. Hobins was still following me and was now knocking on my window, wanting me to roll it down or come out.  I started the car and screeched out of the parking lot.

            What did I just do?

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