Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

            I have made my final decision.  Crystal and Mark are going to raise my child.  Now, I'm in my seventh month and the ultrasound said that it's a girl.  They like the name Ruby and since it's their child I'm going along with it. 

            Lately, I can't stop thinking about Jason.  Probably because I have his kid inside me, kicking me reminding me.  I've decided that I was going to go on a little vacation.  I told my parents that since it was spring break I was going to go back to Michigan and visit a few places that I missed the most and (after their arguments with me) agreed that I should go. 

            My dad packed up my car and sent me off.  Mom wasn't happy that I was going to go that far alone and pregnant.  She's still distant from me but I don't care much. 

            After a day and a half of driving, I finally got to my hometown.  Nothing has changed here.  I checked into the motel and took a little nap.  I drove over to Dr. Todd's office.

            I sat in the waiting room for him to come out.

            "Lucy! It's been so long."  Dr. Todd comes out of his office and comes over to hug me but stops when he sees my stomach.

            "Yes it has.  Stop looking at me like that, come on I'll explain in your office."  He leads me back into his office and I sit on the couch.

            "So how have you been?  Other than pregnant."

            "Fine, California is nice but you aren't there, so there's no one to talk to."

            "Can I ask?"

            I stop him knowing what he wants to know.  "Seven months, it's a girl, no he doesn't know and I am giving her up for adoption.  I already found the adoptive parents."

            "Well that's good but that's not what I was going to ask.  Is it that teacher?"

            I freeze, he actually remembers that I had kissed my teacher but he doesn't know that I slept with him.  Lucky guess. "Yes, and you can't tell him."

            "I'm legally bound, I'm not allowed to."

            "Good, I don't want him to know.  He's probably happy and I won't ruin that for him."

            "But Lucy, don't you think he should know?  I would want to know if I had a child out there that I didn't know about."

            "He's better not knowing.  The adoptive parents already have her room ready for her to come and they are set.  They can give her things that I can't."

            "Sounds like you are still trying to convince yourself of that."

            "Don't go shrinky on me.  I just came to say hi.  I don't want to talk about Jason any more.  How are you?"

            "Fine," he goes on about what's been happening in his life for a while and we talk about everything but Ruby. 

            "Well, I better get going.  It's getting late and Ruby is a little hungry."

            "Oh her name is Ruby?"

            "Yes, Crystal and Mark named her." I give Dr. Todd a hug and go to my car.  His words echo in my head.  Should I tell Jason?  No, no I'm not going to tell him.  It's for the better.

            I go through the drive thru at McDonald's and order nearly half the menu which is normal for now.  As I get to the end of the drive I see Jason walk out of the restraunt with a woman holding his hand and he looks happy.  He let go of her hand and rushes to get the boy who looks to be about 10.  The boy laughs as Jason picks him up and spins him fast.  I can tell that he is really happy with his new girlfriend.  I see him kiss her on the lips before he lets her in the passenger side seat.  Suddenly I'm awake by the horns behind me honking.  I go back to the hotel and eat everything I got and go to bed for the night. 

            Before I leave to go back to California the next day I stop by Dr. Todd's office and leave him a note. 

            I was right, I saw Jason and he is happy ~Lucy

            On the way back to California Ruby started to kick really hard.  And she wouldn't let up.  After I got to the California border I called my mom and asked her what to do.  She said to get to the closest hospital and she would meet me there.  When I got to the hospital the doctor said that I was having real contractions.  It's only my seventh month, it's too early for Ruby to come. 

            We waited for my mom to get there.  After a few hours of the contractions my water broke.  When the doctor came in he said that it was time to push. 

            Ruby came at 11:29 pm on the 23rd of March 2012.  She weighed in at 7 pounds and 13 ounces. And was 14 inches long.  Ruby has brown hair and blue eyes.  She is gorgeous.  My mom went out to the lobby to tell my dad that I was okay and they let me hold her.  Her skin was so soft and she smelled so good after her bath.  I didn't want to let her go.  I had been holding her for half an hour when they let my dad come in and see me.  He walked in without my mom and saw how happy I was.

            "How are you angel?" he asked me.

            "A little sore.  Isn't she pretty?"

            "She definitely is.  What's wrong?"  I started to cry.

            "I don't want to give her up.  She's mine and I want to keep her."

            "Lucy, think about what you are trying to make yourself do.  You want to keep her and your mother is very adamant that you can't stay home if you keep her.  That's a lot of money and sleepless nights to raise a baby."

            "Daddy, I can do it.  I'll figure out a way.  I can't let them take her from me.  She's my daughter."

            My dad went out to talk to my mom about me keeping the baby.  When she came back in she was very pissed.

            "If you keep her you are not living with us!  I refuse to raise another baby."

            "No one said you were.  She's mine."

            "Then you can pick up your stuff from the house tomorrow."  My mom left and my dad followed after her with a sad look on his face.  He was not happy about this situation.

            I called Crystal and Mark to tell them I was keeping her.  They were upset that they weren't getting to keep her but they wished me luck. 

            Since I had planned on giving Ruby to Crystal and Mark I had nothing for her.  The hospital gave me a couple of outfits, diapers, and a car seat. 

            When I got out the hospital the next day my dad had called and told me he transferred money to my bank account.  I picked up my stuff with my dad's help from the house and took it over to the hotel in town.   My dad can be helpful when I need it and this time, I really needed some help. 

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