Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

            I stand in the park looking around for Jason.  He's nowhere to be seen.  Of all places he had to choose a public place.  We cannot be seen together, we can get in a lot of trouble.  More trouble than I've ever been in.  That's the only thing in my head right now, how much trouble this can cause.  I look around one more time for him and still he isn't here.  I'm panicking.  This was not a good idea.  I run back to my car, get in and lock the doors.  Why did I agree to this?  I can drive like a maniac in highway traffic and jump off of the school roof and race my four-wheeler against a Mercedes without a problem but I can't meet my English teacher in a park.  What the hell is wrong with me?  I decide to ditch this entire arrangement and go home where I feel safe.  I reach my house and pull my phone out of my pocket.  There's 7 text messages from Jason and 3 voicemails from him too. 

            Do I want to listen to him or should I just ignore them?

            My mind is telling me that if I'm not going to meet him at least I should listen to his messages.  5 text massages read Where are you?, another one reads Lucy, really you said one chance.  At least give me one!, the next reads you better be here Lucy! Please, please, please come meet me? I listen to his voicemails he left me. The first one It's me, I hope you're here, I don't see you anywhere though.  I'll see you soon.  You're amazing and I'll show you. He seems excited for me to meet him.  The next one Lucy Lucy Lucy, I'm here, where are you? Text me. The last one doesn't seem pleasant at all.  God damn it Lucy! You said you'd give me a chance and you aren't giving me one! If you're not here in five minutes I'm coming to your house!  Great! How does he know where I live? Oh yeah, school records.  Voicemail sent 5 minutes ago. 

            What do I do now?

            Think Lucy think!  Do I want him at my house when I'm alone?  Do I want him at my house at all?  I drive off to anywhere I can think of.  Anywhere he won't find me.  Where to?  Eventually I'll have to tell him that I can't see him or something but I'm not ready to confront that yet. 

            I drive for a little bit and end up at the best spot in the world; the race track!  I park out front and go into the stadium.  Henry, the owner of the track is there.  I've been coming to the race track since I was 15.  Henry knows who I am and lets me drive around sometimes. 

            "Hey Henry!" I yell across to him on the other side of the track.

            "Lucy what's up?" He heads over to me in the golf cart.  Henry's about 75ish so it's hard for him to walk around since his knee surgery 6 months ago. 

            "How's the leg?"

            "Still there," his sarcasm is somewhat like my own.  We get along pretty well.  "What's going on?"

            "Need to blow off some steam, got anything I can drive today?"

            "Yeah, hop on and I'll show you."  I get in the golf cart with Henry and he drives up to the garage.  There's a lot of cars in here.  Most of them aren't actual race cars.  They're mostly cars that Henry got for cheap and he fixes them up and races them with his family.  Other people can come in too and race.  "That one over there needs to be tested, up for the task?"

            It's a white pickup truck with a flame stripe down both sides of it and mud flaps with the Tasmanian devil on them, brand new tires, and windows.  "Hell yeah, I'm up for the task!"  Henry hands me the keys and I get in the truck.  The truck is so sweet! All the seats are leather covered along with the steering wheel.  "Thanks Henry!"  I back the truck out of the garage and start out slow going only 30 according to the speedometer.  That won't last long.  Henry's gone back to his office so the track is all me. 

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