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Elijah dropped her off at the grill. She was early so she sat at a table. Tim came a few minutes later and sat at her table.

"You look beautiful Amelia" he said.
Thank you Tim." She said smiling.They went to the bar.

"What would you like to drink Amelia? " he asked.

"Amm..water would be fine thank you." She answered. He ordered her water. They talked for a few minutes and Tim excused himself and went to the men's room. Elijah silently followed him in.

"Hello there" he said to Tim who was adjusting his hair.

"Hey man. What's up? U need something? He asked adjusting his hair still.

"Well I believe that you and I need to talk." He said putting an arm on Tim's shoulder.

"U'll remember that you have to pick up your friends. So you'll ask Amelia politely to wait until you return. But you'll go to your house and sleep and remember nothing of this conversation and tell Amelia sorry the next time you'll meet her. He compelled him.

"Hey if you'll excuse me I have to go." Tim says and walks towards Amy. Like clock work he tells her to wait and goes away.

After twenty minutes Amy was still waiting for Tim. The door opened and Amy saw the door hopefully for Tim. But it was a man who in late twenties with brownish blonde hair and blue eyes that entered the grill. She liked him at the first moment she saw him. He came and sat beside her and ordered himself a vodka. Amelia looked at her glass of water and patiently for Tim to come. He noticed it.

"Waiting for someone love?" He asked looking at her.

"Yes my friend asked me to wait for him." She said and looked at him clearly. She liked his cobalt blue eyes.

A floral essence struck him but he couldn't remember where he knew it from.

"I'm Klaus." He introduced himself.

"Amelia." She said and smiled.

"Amelia that's a lovely name for a lovely woman." He complimented and she blushed slightly.

"Thank you." She said. She was attracted to everything. His eyes, his smile and even his voice.

"Your eyes are beautiful." She told him without hesitation.

"I should say it's vice versa." he said and they both laughed.

He was just as attracted to her as she was to him. Her dark hair, her hazel eyes, red lips and the beautiful black dress. He had a hard time resisting his thoughts.

"Can I keep you company until your friend come back Amelia?" he asked hopefully to get to know more about her.

"Sure." She said without hesitation.

"So ,tell me more about yourself Amelia." He asked interested.

"Me? Umm... I'm not that interesting. I live with my aunts and my father. I was home tutored until last year by my father. And now I go to the local Arts college because I like to paint. That's all about me. What about you?"She asked looking at him.

" I'm not that interesting as you are love. My parents are long dead and my siblings and I live in different places so I'm all alone for as to now". He said and looked at his glass.

"Oh! I'm sorry. But why don't you talk to your siblings father says family is power Always and forever." She said and Klaus looked at her in interest now.

"Forever is a long time love. People change over time."He said and smiled.

"So, you like to paint? That's interesting." He changed the topic.

His Amelia(niklaus mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now