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" Hello." He answered.

"Dad." She said.

"Amelia." He recognised.

"Hmm."she couldn't speak grief was overwhelming her.

" Amelia dear come home I miss you so much. "He said.

" I will dad I'm sorry that I took off like that and dad I ...." She sobbed.

"Shush it's OK." He said.

"I'll be there soon. Bye" she said and cut the call.

Klaus listened to their conversation but stayed still and gave her some space thankfully which she needed.

The next morning Amelia asked Klaus if they could return home. He said only if she was completely sure and she smiled and hugged him nodding her head.

By the night fall they reached her home and knocked the door hesitantly thinking what if Elijah opened the door she still hadn't decided on how to speak with him yet.

Thankfully Maria opened the door.

"Amelia dear how nice to see you look at you all grown up now." She said and hugged her. Amelia looked everywhere in the room to see Elijah.

Everyone greeted her but she looked for Elijah .

" He's in your room." Sandra said.

She practically ran to her room and opened the door. He stood there looking exactly the same since the last time she saw him. He stood beside her painting and smiled.

"Dad." She said and tears rolled in her eyes.

"Welcome home sweetheart." He said and opened his arms for her.

She ran into his arms and felt warm,happy and safe after a long time in his arms. They hugged each other tight.

"Dad! I missed you so much and I'm sorry for ...." She couldn't continue and cried.

"Shh... it's ok you are here now. That's all that matters. I missed you too Amelia." He said kissed on her head.

After a few minutes Klaus came in.

"Oh how wonderful it's nice to see you too Elijah. I hope you didn't miss me much." He said and leaned on the door frame.

"Well no little brother I didn't miss you at all just thinking about all the ways i can kill you so no worries." Elijah said.

"Ouch that hurts." He said .

"Amelia why don't you go freshen up while I catch up with my little brother." Elijah asked and any leaves them alone.

"Are u completely out of your mind niklaus what were you thinking taking her away like that did you know how dangerous it was for her to be in open like that if she lost a bit temper and demonstrated her powers the witches in that place will sense her power and would come after her and you being you completely idiotic.." Elijah was interrupted by nik saying " Come on Elijah we both know I'm capable of protecting her it's ok to worry about her but it's time you let her go Elijah she's a person too and.." They were interrupted by footsteps it was Amy "let's go down" she said and there they dined together and after dinner she went to Elijah's room and got into the bed beside him he put away his book and she snuggled into him.

"So? What happened?" He asked.

And she told him everything about what nik told about them being vampires and that you are not my father. Elijah stiffened at that but she went on saying about their journey and said that no matter what he was to her he shall always be close to her heart no matter what.

"Amy I wanted to tell u about this before but we.. I wanted to keep you safe and out of harm's way."

"Dad I understand." She said.

" How did you know my mother?" She asked.

" Your mother Elizabeth was a close friend of mine. She was beautiful, sweet,a rebel,young,and smart like you." He said caressing her cheek.

"We used to spend hours together but I had to leave town in that time she fell in love in the governor's son. They both became close and she conceived you. He didn't want you both and married some rich lady at the time and your mother dared not to tell her parents about her pregnancy as it was not allowed to conceive unlawfully in her family so she ran away and after a few days Maria found her. They cared for her and loved her immensely. But due to unfortunate circumstances she died giving birth to you and she named me to be your God father. Maria reached out to me and when for the first time I saw you I recognised who you were. You have your mother's eyes and you were such a pretty baby." He smiled as he recollected and then he said but she was already fast asleep.

"Sleep well Amelia." He said and kissed her forehead.

His Amelia(niklaus mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now