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Amelia was given the spell and their ashes and she resurrected them without much difficulty.

"It wasn't that difficult as you said Maria." She said.

"For a normal witch it would kill her to bring even one person back to life. But I think this proves your a lot more stronger than I thought." Maria said.

Amelia and Klaus went to his place. He pulled out dagger from Rebekah's heart.

"Time to wake up sister." He said.

Rebekah woke up breathing heavily.

"You son of a bitch." She shouted getting up.

"Welcome to you too sister.." Nik laughed. And he gave her the blood bags.

"Go freshen up. There is someone I want you to meet." He said smiling.

Rebekah was back in changed clothes half an hour later when she heard

"What if she doesn't like me nik." "Nonsense she'll love you..." Nik said putting his arms around her.

"So this is what your kind soul woke me up for your present distraction??" Rebekah asked.

"Careful with your words sister." Nik warned.

"It's ok nik..." Amelia said and looked properly at Rebekah and Klaus released her.

"What the bloody hell!!!" Elizabeth how are u??" Rebekah exclaimed.

"Guess again sister it's not Elizabeth."

"But that's impossible her eyes."

"Ya dad says I hav my mother's eyes."

"What? Who?" Rebekah says looking at Klaus.

"She means Elijah."

"What??? Nik you have exactly one minute to explain what is going on before I rip your head off."

"Sir down sister. We have a lot to talk about. She is Amelia. Amelia Bennett Elizabeth's daughter. Elijah is her God father" and he explained the rest to her.

"You can actually do that??"she asked Amelia looking into her eyes.

"Ya that's what they tell me."

"Oh my goodness oh my god". Rebekah hugged her suddenly.

"Thank you." She said.

"It's OK I guess." Amelia said looking at Klaus and patted awkwardly on Rebekah's back. And he laughed silently.

They both sat and talked for hours.

Rebekah spoke a lot about Elizabeth.

"Then how did you think Elijah knew your mother love? I was the one who introduced them to one another and later they ditched me. Elijah loved her profoundly."

And so they spoke she talked of tales about her brothers and Amelia talked of the places she visited.

Late that evening Amelia went to the kitchen to get some water before she went to sleep. She drank some was about to take a bottle up before she felt a warm pair of hands around her waist.

"It's late you know and young girls shouldn't roam at nights there will be wild beasts waiting for her. It can be dangerous." He said and she leaned into him and said "I'm sure my boyfriend is strong enough to protect me."

"Hmm is that so I would like to meet your brave knight in shining armour once." Nik smiled on her neck.

"It's been two days you know" he said hugging her closer and placed soft kisses on her neck.

"Nik stop. Rebekah is here what would she think??" she said and blushed.

"You look so beautiful when you blush love and don't worry shes sleeping." He said.

"Really?" Amelia asked.

"Really." he said and turned her towards him. She moaned as he bit her neck.

The next moment they were in his room making out.

At around midnight Amelia looked at him and asked "nik do you want to become a human?"

He looked at her expecting the question."I don't know." he answered.

"I am used to being the most powerful creature on earth and yet tomorrow offers me being a weak human that I usually feed on."

"But..." She interrupted.

"Let me finish. I knew I had two alternatives since this morning Amelia. One tell the other witches and vampires about you and be the big bad bastard hybrid who cares only for himself and his power but will be lonely for the rest of eternity."

"Two I get to be a weak human and marry someday and have kids and a family and lead a happy life and finally die in arms of a loved one."

"So I'm fixed between two very contrasting but comfortably appealing options. But now this very minute being like this made me decide."

"And what is that??" she asked.

"Since the day I set my eyes on you in that bar Amelia I knew I wanted you to be mine. You are the most beautiful thing that happened to me in this thousand years and I'm ready to give up another thousand to be with you . I do t need to be anything but myself with you. So will you do the honour and be my wife,my companion and my mate for as long as we shall live?" He asked.

"Yes. yes nik I will be ur wife and companion and ur mate" she said smiling with tears rolling in her eyes.

"Thank you" he said and kissed her and slipped the ring onto her finger.

"It's beautiful nik she said simple elegant and lovely."

"Just like you" he said and they laughed.

"So how many children were u telling before "she asked.

"I don't know how about six seven maybe..." he said as he moved upon her yet again.

"Nik..." she laughed

"Maybe we could start tonight..." and they continued where they left off...

Haa.. Well that was difficult but done anyways keep reading and voting love u all ppl for such constant love and support....

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