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"So how about London?" Klaus asked.

" I'm not interested in flowers and hearts and Austen now Klaus." Amelia answered looking through the window.

"Good then Rome should be fine with a history of gladiators and blood?" he asked smiling.

"That sounds much better.." she says and looks at him.

"U are definitely something Amelia." he said laughing.

They travelled across the world for almost 2 years. She would close her eyes and throw a dart on the world map and that would be the next place to go. They've seen Egypt, Poland,India, Australia,China, Russia Afghanistan, Paris, Switzerland and the list went on...

On the other side the witches placed a cloaking spell to protect Amelia from any danger. Elijah missed her terribly and he wouldn't enter her room.

Klaus and Amelia considerably grew closer to each other physically and emotionally. It's like they craved the others presence.

He spoke of his thousand years of exsistance and she was always interested to know more.

"Tell me how did Elijah put up with your curiosity?Don't u ever get tired?" Klaus asked as he painted her picture.

"No. He was endlessly patient with me he's a good man." she said and felt a bit guilty for leaving him alone.

Klaus noticed this and changed the topic and asked...

"So u still think I'm not a monster? Even after killing thousands of people?" He asked sitting beside her.

"No. I still don't think so." she said looking at him.

"Oh come on love u and as well I know what I am.. he said looking at his paint brush. I've killed people tore families apart and worse things u can't even imagine. It still doesn't bother you?"

She flinched a bit but shook her head.

"Niklaus tell me something. 1000 years ago you lived happily with your family loving your brothers and sisters was the only thing for you or any of us. This of what you are is not your choice and was forced upon you. It took your happiness, made you dark,made you paranoid, but you still smile."She said touching his lips.

" U laugh, u learned to live with it the way u can it's not your fault your mother cheated but u have loving siblings who would never turn their back on you. Yes u killed people made people orphans widows but would u have done that thousand years ago?" She asked and he shook his head no.

"See that's what makes me see the real you. He's still in there and I can look straight at him she said looking into his eyes. Yes u killed but u killed to survive. No one is perfect nik not you not me not my father not anyone we are humans we tend to make mistakes but that's how we learn right. So no I don't see you as a monster." She said and kissed his cheek.

He couldn't believe what she said it took him a minute to register everything and he just stared at her it felt like she cleaned away his thousand year sins and made his dark heart and made it into a red and shiny one.

She sees him not as a vampire not as a hybrid not as a monster but just him just niklaus that he buried deep inside him thousand years ago.

"Amelia ...I .." He started but words failed him. Tears rolled in his eyes and she hugged him tight.

"I know nik's OK..she soothed him and he slept peacefully on her lap feeling loved after a long time.

When he was sound asleep she took out her phone and called the number that she wanted to call everyday since the past two years.

" Hello." He answered.

"Dad." She said.

His Amelia(niklaus mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now