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The next morning Amelia was all bright and shiny. All of them were at niks place.

"Had a good sleep sister." Nik teased Rebekah as he put his arms around Amelia.

"Ya right. If only you'd kept your hands off from Amelia." She said and Klaus laughed as Amy blushed red and he placed a kiss on her cheek.

Elijah cleared his throat and looked away to ensure of his presence.

"Father." Amelia went and hugged him by side.

"Good morning." Elijah said and she smiles.

"Good morning to you too Elijah." Nik said. He just looked his way and said "I want Amelia to meet the rest of our family."

Elijah introduced them all to her but were warned before to keep their distance from her.

"Can't say a proper hello to such a beautiful lady?? Come on Elijah" kol Sai and moved forward.

"Hello love. I'm kol mikaelson." He extended his hand and Amy shook it saying "Amelia Bennett. "

"It's an honour meeting you then." He said and kissed her hand. Amy blushed and moved towards Elijah's side and he held her.

"Clearly you both set an example for the phrase a father's daughter ." Nik laughed and everyone smiled ....

Days were passed by and the full moon day soon arrived.

Klaus and Amelia became inseparable. That morning Klaus watched her sleep so peacefully that he just couldn't believe she still hasn't run away and still belonged to him.

Amy stirred in her sleep.

"Good morning love." He said and kissed her forehead.

"Umm.. " she felt nauseous and ran to the washroom to throw up.

"I'm never going to eat what Rebekah cooks again." She moaned as nik held her hair and rubbed her back laughing.

They freshend up and went downstairs.

"Looks like someone threw up their guts." kol laughed.

"Yeah Rebekah please don't cook again. She said sitting beside Elijah and kept her head on his shoulder and he kept his arm around her while reading his book.

Kol and nik laughed louder. Rebekah gave them a dirty look.

"So when dies the ritual start??" Rebekah asked.

"Maria said she'll call when everything is ready.

When Amelia smelt food she ran to the nearest sink again. "Oh god. Shy today?"

"Amelia are you really OK we could postpone the ritual to next full moon if you need rest." Elijah said.

"No I'm fine. it'll pass. Maybe it's just flu."

Elijah helped her to bed giving her some herbs that might help her.

It was around night fall when Maria called them and asked them to come to the central park.

His Amelia(niklaus mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now