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Elijah dropped Amelia off at the college early as she had to check and arrange a few things for the auction.

"I'll be here as soon as possible,dear." He promised.

"It's ok dad work is important right." She said getting down from the car.

"Right. Love you take care bye." he replied.

"Bye love u."Amelia spoke smiling and walked towards the gallery as he drove away. She went in and saw someone standing at her paintings.

"The gallery opens at 10 you know."She said setting her things aside.

"Oh sorry love I didn't know that. Pardon me my mistake." He said turning towards her.

"Klaus Oh my god your alive??" she ran towards him and hugged him tight.

"Amelia Hello to you too...You look lovely as ever."He mocked.

"Thank god your alive." The woman never failed to surprise him.It's the first time Klaus heard someone thanking god that he was alive.He smiled at the thought and hugged her back.

She took a step back and spoke "I'm sorry about the other day.I got afraid when you lost conciousness and i panicked.."

"It's alright love. I'm fine now." he said cutting her off.

They looked at each other for a minute and she asked him what he was doing there.

"Oh I heard there's a art gallery here and that the best painters across the world were exhibiting their work here." he said and chuckled.

"Hahaha very funny."she said sarcastically.

"I have to say love your work is impressive." he complimented.

"You saw them did u like them??" she asked enthusiastically.

"Of course anyone in their right mind would love them they're all very beautiful just like you." and she blushed at that.

"But I'm interested in this particular painting." he pointed towards the one elijah was in. "What was that about??" he asked.

"Oh that was when I was a child and my father went out of town for a couple of weeks and I missed him terribly.My aunts tell me that I used to cry almost every night when he wasn't there. One day he came back and rushed towards me and took me back into his arms impatiently. They say that I clung to him as if my life depended on him and that he kissed my tears away and promised to never leave me alone ever again...."tears filled in her eyes as the memory resurfaced.and klaus looked her in awe and was speechless for a moment.She truly did love elijah with all her heart.

"That's very nice of him." Klaus said.

"Ya hey I would like to introduce you to him properly this time he'll be here in a few hours."she said.

"It would be a pleasure to meet your father Amelia." Klaus smirked.

Time passed by unnoticed as Klaus helped Amelia to set everything up for the gallery opening and they chatted non stop he told her about some places he visited and she told him how she wanted to go to different places.

'The world would be yours to see Amelia if u would come with me.' he thought.

And they spoke endlessly about art.He was taken aback by her knowledge in almost everything and realized it was his big brother who raised her.He could see Elijah's manners and words in her.Anyone who an paid a little attention can easily notice that.

He excused himself for a brief 20 minutes and came back in a stunning tux and Amelia just kept looking at him stunned.

"See something you like?" he teased her.

"You look handsome." She complimented him.

"Well thank you my love."he said and kissed on her cheek. People started to come after a few minutes.

Hey guys thank you for being patient and supportive love u all.

His Amelia(niklaus mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now