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The next morning Amelia was comfortably warm. She didn't want to wake up. She snuggled in closer with her heater. Klaus tightened his grip on her waist. It was few minutes later that slowly reality crept in. The events of last night started to come back. She suddenly jerked away from him.

"Amelia love! What's wrong??" Nik asked getting down from the bed.

"Klaus??Why..What are you doing here??? I.... Oh god!!!no no no no no this is not happening ...." She mumbled as she climbed down from the bed and caught her head with both her hands.

"I need to go.. now...!!!" She says as she hurries towards Klauses wardrobe and wore the first things that touched her fingers.

"What's the rush love? Stay. I'm sure you must be tired from last night you must eat something..." Klaus smiled and put his arms around her waist.

"No no no...Klaus last night was a mistake...Ok? It won't happen again my father would be worried about me and where's my god dammed phone?" She said and started to search for it. Klaus cringed a bit when she said it was a mistake. But he hid his disappointment.

He slowly moved towards her and took her hand. They both felt the same sparkle.

"Tell me your not feeling this and I'd let you go Amelia..." He said looking deep into her hazel eyes.

He started kissing her neck and her thoughts were getting confused. His very presence was intoxicating that she couldn't think straight. She pushed him away with all the strength she had.

"Klaus please I need to go." She pleaded.

"And what if I don't want you to or won't let you?" He said and started moving towards her again. She felt angry and something flipped inside of her.

"I said back off...!!!" She shouted and raised her hand. She couldn't comprehend what happened the next few moments. Klaus was thrown across the the room by an unseen force and his neck was snapped. It took her a minute to register what just happened.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!!!!! Klaus! klaus....! Wake up!wake up! Oh god what have I done??" She was shivering.

Dad! Dad! She thought and reached for her phone and dialed his number.
Elijah lifted the call at the second ring.
"Amelia dear where are you? We've been...." He was caught off by Amelia's worried voice.

"Dad! Dad! Help me. I don't know where I am and Klaus isn't waking up I didn't do anything. I swear. I don't know what happened. Please help me." She cried.

"It's alright dear. I'll come find you just give me five minutes and I'll be there don't get too worried." He promised.

Five minutes later the Bell rang. Amelia rushed towards the main door. She ran into his arms as soon as she saw him.

She cried into his arms and he said some soothing words to calm her down. He told her he'll take care if it and that she need not worry about it anymore. He drove her home and she told him all that happened last night while skipping out some parts.

When they reached home the witches were taken aback on seeing her appearance. Their sweet Rose looked troubled. Elijah took her to her room and gave her some tea which would make her better.

When he was about to leave the room Amelia whispered softly " please don't leave me alone."

He remembered his little Amelia who asked the same thing ages ago.

"Never dear." He said and kissed her forehead. He didn't expect she would go through all this. When she was finally asleep he went to Maria.

"We don't need to rush Elijah. Bennett witches are the strongest people I've ever seen. She'll get over it once she sees him again. It's just a matter of time." Elijah remained silent and just prayed that she wouldn't have to go through something like this again.

He went to her room and saw her sleeping in a foetal position clutching Klaus's clothes.

"I'm sorry my dear that you have to go through this alone. He doesn't deserve you my sweet Amelia. I wish your mother was here." Elijah apologized silently adjusting the strands of her hair. She moved closer to him as she slept heavily.

On the other side Klaus woke up a little while later and he couldn't find Amelia anywhere so he thought to visit her college soon to see if he could find anything about her.

Hello guys thank you for reading... Love you all. Plz comment and vote I'd like to know wat u ppl think ...

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