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The above picture is of Elizabeth Bennett..

Klaus was painting when Elijah went in.

"Evening Elijah."

"Good evening Niklaus."

"So brother. Speak. Amelia Rose Bennett."

"Where should I begin?" Elijah asked sitting In a chair.

"From the beginning would be lovely." Klaus said painting.

"It was 1996 when one day a witch Maria reached out to me and told me that she had a beautiful surprise waiting for me. I went in and spoke to her. There she was small, beautiful,with striking hazel eyes ,my sweet Amelia. Her mother Elizabeth was a close friend of mine all I knew was she ran away from her house when she discovered she was pregnant and took shelter under a coven of witches. Unfortunately she died during Amelia's birth and told Maria that I was to be the child's god father. And When I took Amelia into my arms I saw everything we missed in our lives brother. I raised her as my own and started a new life along with her. You won't believe how happy I was in the past 18 years brother. I found happiness she is my happiness. After all this time we spent killing, fearing, running she stopped my world with her tiny fingers. The witches of course were all there throughout her life. She was all I could ask for a child. So you better keep your hands to yourself or you'll be running with only two legs." He said.

"Ah. Wonderful story brother except for the last part though but I heard her saying she likes me more than she should." Klaus said.

"She is a child. Niklaus."

" She's 18. And lucky me I'm not her god father. Although I am a bit curious about her witch powers which are quite strong even for an elder one let alone a younger one." He said.

"She's just starting to recognize them. She still needs to be trained." Elijah said.

They continued talking about her and Elijah shared many happy moments he had with her.

"Trust me you wouldn't want to know our best moments." Nik laughed and Elijah glared at him.

Elijahs phone buzzed and it was Maria.

"Elijah its Amy .Come home and bring niklaus with you. she's unstable." She spoke fast.

Both brothers looked at each other and started moving. They reached home in no time. The house was shaking.

"You stay right here." He said to nik.and went to Amy's room.

"You can come in" Hannah invited him into the house.

"Amelia dear look at me." Elijah tried.

"She can't hear us Elijah. Her magic is getting stronger she created a shield around her.We tried going close it it didn't work." Mary said

Elijah tried to move forward but he couldn't.

"Mr.Charming that's what Mary said that we  can't get close." said sandra.

"He's the only way in." Mary said looking at Niklaus who stood by the door and smirked at Elijah.

"No I'm not letting him anywhere near her again." Elijah said.

"You don't have a choice Elijah." He said tapping Elijahs shoulder and took a deep breath and moved towards her.

"Amelia.Love." He said slowly and carefully.

She looked up at him with tears rolling in her eyes. He went towards her and took her into his arm.

"Shh... its OK love I've got you. Don't be afraid. I'm right here." He said soothingly.

" Klaus I don't know what's happening to me.I was just feeling bad I had a bad dream I didn't do anything.... " and she sobbed.

"Look at me.Amelia.Take deep breaths." She did as he told.

"Now stop crying .I'm right here and concentrate on your power. Don't be afraid and resist it. Resistance only makes things worse. And she listened to him.

The shaking stopped and elijah moved towards her.

" Amy"he said and touched her cheek when Klaus placed her on the bed and she fell asleep.

"Anybody care explaining what the bloody hell that just happened??" He asked looking at Mary.

"She's starting to feel her power." Mary said.

"Just starting to feel is it??she bloody shook the whole house??" He shouted.

"Niklaus calm down. What do we do now?" Elijah asked.

"Wait until she's ready. And let her be with him at his place." Mary said.

"That's out of the question. " Elijah says.

"Elijah you need to understand they're bonded can't you see it. So she needs him like an anchor." Mary said and Klaus took her to his place.

His Amelia(niklaus mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now