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When she got down she started laughing again " Klaus look look my house grew bigger....." she said and giggled.

"Come on love.. let's get you in now." He said.

She climbed steps very carefully but stumbled anyhow and was about to fall back he caught her.

"Klaus I can trust you..." She said smiling.

This girl was going to be the end of him he understood that the very moment.

"What?" He asked as he steadied her. "Auhhh... u don't know.....???" She asked putting a hand on her mouth and laughed.

"Let me show.... you." She said and climbed onto a statue that was beside the stairs. He was watching her curiously cause he had no idea what she was gonna do.

She started telling him "I climb up on a high....a very very high.... rock...... like I do now and I turn around....., close my eyes stretch my hands...... like this and fall back." she was about to hit the ground when Klaus caught her.

"Are you out of your mind?"He shouted.

"Nooooo..." She said putting arms around his neck as he carried her inside in a bridal style.

"This test proves that I can trust you with my life..." she said and kissed his cheek.

"How Amelia you don't even know who I am... " She put her finger on his lips.

"I don't need to know, you didn't let me fall... that tells me enough." she said and looked into his eyes which held a strange emotion.

He set her down on her feet and looked into her eyes. They held nothing but warmth and compassion and love which he yearned for a thousand years of loneliness.

He kissed her passionately and fiercely and neither did she hesitate in kissing him back.

The next moment they were in the house on his bed and neither of them stopped. She was pure, warm, happy, and loved. He was cold, alone, unhappy and yearned for love.

Opposites did attract each other very well. That was the night everything changed for both of them.

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