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Elijah mostly spent his time with Amelia in the next few months.He just couldn't have a thought of leaving her alone.It was something about Amelia that everyone was ready to take the bullet for her to protect her.He rarely left her alone to feed his thirst for human blood.The witches were difficult at first but now became comfortable around the original.When one day he asked if he could take Amelia to introduce her god-daughter the witches warned him of the dangers and he resigned his own thought.Maria told him that she'll go out at the right moment.And years were passing by....

When she started speaking for the first time she spoke "Da-Da" and looked at Elijah.His heart felt warm for the first time in thousand years.When she was happy everyone was happy when she cried everyone felt miserable.When she walked for the first which rarely happens as no one puts her down she made her first fall.He didn't let her down for the next two days even though he knew better.After a series of reassurances from Maria he reluctantly put her down.

Four years passed by and no one ever knew how the days passed with Amelia around.When Elijah had important work that needs his attention he had to leave town for a couple of days.He couldn't leave his god-daughter alone.He told his goodbyes to her but she clung tightly to him and cried.Anna pulled her from him."I'll be back soon sweet heart." he kissed on her forehead said good bye and left.Days passed and Amelia grew eager by the day to why here da-da wasn't back yet.She asked all of them why her da-da wasn't here and when he will come back to her.She cried at nights and refused to go to sleep without him.The witches had a hard time convincing her that Elijah will be back soon.They did their ju-ju to put her to sleep.None of them understood why she was soo attached to him except Maria.

When a week later he returned to the house at night he heard Amelia crying.He rushed towards her and took her from Sandra's arms.

"What happened?Why is she crying?Is she hurt?"he asked consoling his angel to stop crying.

"Funny you should ask."Sandra said.He looked at her with surprise. "What?" he asked confused.

"She's been crying for you Elijah,every night since you left."Hannah answered.He was quite taken aback for a moment.They left him alone with her to take care of her.

"Shh... darling... Shh.. da-da is here.He's never going to leave you alone again ever."He whispered into her ear.She looked at him with those beautiful hazel eyes which were now swollen with tears.

"You'll neva goway?you pwamise me?" She asked raising her small hand.

"I'll never leave you alone my little angel I Promise. Always and Forever."

"Now stop crying my darling.Look what da-da brought for my angel to play with....".He showed her all the new toys he bought for her and put her to bed.He slid in beside her and she clutched onto his shirt tightly.He never thought anyone could ever touch his heart again as she did although it was a fatherly affection.He has now found someone who cries when he's not around and is happy in his presence.

The next day she clung to him never leaving him.She missed him too much and he missed her too.He was more than happy to have his Amy back in his arms.He fed her,played with her,brushed her hair and kissed her to sleep.He hummed her her favorite music until she was asleep.At that moment he didn't want her to grow up and do what she was destined for.He just wanted to be safe,warm and happy.

Years passed by and Amelia grew up into a graceful girl with manners Elijah taught her.She was getting interested in the outside world now.She wanted to go out and see what is out their.Maria said no and Elijah promised to take her out when the time was right.She asked him where he was going and what business he does.He wanted to take her out to show his beautiful angel the world.But Maria warned him "People know you Elijah and if they see her with you the word may pass to him about her." And Elijah knew she was right and its dangerous for her to take her out.

One day when he was out Sandra asked Maria "Don't you think its dangerous that Amy's getting too attached to Elijah?"

"Why on the contrary dear its good for her he'll give her his strongest protection apart from us."she said.

One day when Elijah was out to buy Amy something he suddenly heard "What a surprise brother.I didn't expect to see you here in a small town" he said in his British accent.


His Amelia(niklaus mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now