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"It's bloody time I get to be human again."Rebekah said.

"I owe you one darling."she said to Amelia.They reached the spot.

Maria and the others were already there as they began to move towards the spot maria stopped them.

"Elijah i need samples of your bloods to get u all connected and all your sire lines so that there wouldn't be any vampire left and niklaus blood connects us to the wolves."

when everyone was there kol was missing "wheres kol?" rebekah asked.

"i'm here rebekah just brought a gift on the way."

"and what might it be that is more important than this kol?

he brought the gift out of his car.

"Elena?" elijah said

"yes brother the core ingredient every one seemed to forgot."

when amelia walked towards the candles the witches looked at her.

they could identify the aura that was radiating out of her.

"why are u all looking at me like that?" she asked

"nothing dear lets get started."

"finally!!!" Rebekah said and they held hands and the ritual was started.All the blood of wolves, vampires and witches was collected and put in a bowl.

Elena was knocked out and her blood too was taken.

"vesmatos incendia....." amelia said.

And all the candles around her lit and esther too helped the witches as she made the connection to ancestral witches so there was enormous amount of power.

The witches and vampires attacked them and the originals had a hard time to stop them from reaching amelia.

She started the spell and she felt more power than before as if there was a golden light comng from her.

The bennett witches came and one of them shouted to stop her or else they all would loose their powers.

They started chanting spells and the originals fell clutching their heads and screamed.

Maria and the others too couldnt stop them amelia even though in the process of doing her spell lifted the originals up.

The other witches were shocked .she couldnt have this much power one of them said.

"no shes the one jane spoke of."

"then she must have been pregnant with a supernatural being." they blurted out.

"What?" the originals looked at nik who himself was shocked."

"But maria said that was elizabeth. elijah said looking at her.

" i was wrong im sorry its amelia."

"u knew u knew about this and didn't tell us?"he shouted.

"im sorry elijah but she has to make this sacrifice."

"no no i wont let it happen amelia amelia.." nik shouted and started to move towards her.

"Enough.." a voice shouted.

a shield was set up around her and janes spirit appeared.

"No one interrupts this time" and with the flick of her fingers eveyone moved away from her.

after sometime the originals fell down clutching their heads and so did the witches.

amelia too fell down and the golden light penetrated back into earth.

Its done the curse was undone.

every supernatural specie was turned normal again and finally janes spirit was at peace.

His Amelia(niklaus mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now