Chap. 2

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The crowed cheered. "Thank you so much everyone! I love you all! Drive safely!" I ran off. Everyone back stage patted my back and said "Good job." I saw my friend, Zara, come screeching up to me. We held hands and jumped around. "I just love feeling of the light on me and pulling my bow back on the strings of my violin! It rushes through me!" I said. "I bet! You were amazing! And you kept that last note going and going and going and going and going and-" I cut Zara off. "I think I got the point." We giggled. "So what do you want to do tomorrow?" Zara asked. "You're 2 favorite things." Zara freaked out. "You mean? You have a new song?" "Yep! And you get to judge and see if its good than after that..." "Violin shopping!!" We screamed together. We went back to the hotel and I got a call. "Hello?" I said. "Yes hi! I saw your performance tonight and I want you to come perform at London and other parts of the U.K. and if you do amazing like you did last night... Than you'll go across the globe." "Oh thank you sir!" "We have informed your security guard and we will keep him updated and he will tell you when you leave." "Thank you thank you thank you sir!" "Have a good night!" He hung up. "What happened?" Zara asked. "I'm going to the U.K.! And if I do good than I get to go across the globe!" We screamed. We went to bed and when we woke up we changed into some clothes and went back to the arena I performed at last night. Zara listened to the song and once it was over Zara stood up and clapped. "The U.K. is going to die for that performance!" "Thanks!" I put my violin away. "You know what time it is?" Zara said. I looked at her, "Violin shopping time!" We screamed together. We ran out to the mall and went into the music shop and headed straight towards the violins. All kinds surrounded us. "Which ones to try out!? So many choices!" Zara shoved a swirly black one in my face. I looked at it. "I love the design! Lets see how it is." I rested the violin on my shoulder I put the bow on the strings and pulled back and started to dance and play to Lindsey Stirling's "Spontaneous Me." I kept my eyes closed because I had to concentrate since I was excited. Once finished I heard clapping. I opened my eyes and saw a small crowd. They left and the manager came up to me. Matt is his name. I know him and he knows me. He gives me the best violins they have when I need one. "Well done A.J. as usual! And nice choice of violin! I was actually going to give that one to you." "Thanks!" I said. "And as you were playing, Zara told me about the big news!" Matt said. I looked at Zara and she smiled. Matt continued. "I have a violin case for you. I got it just for you. Come on." He took us to the back. He brought out a case with different kinds of stickers on it of flags from around the world. I never really wanted a simple case but I had a black one just for now but its now my back up. I looked in the case and hugged Matt. "Oh thank you so much!" I took my wallet out but he put it down. "Don't. Its all on the house. Now go out there and continue your dream." I hugged him once more and we left with my violin and my case. Zara drove back to the hotel so we could pack up. "So are you going with me?" I asked. "I can't. That's when school starts up again." "I'm sorry." "Its ok. We will see each other again soon." "Wait so this means-" "I can't go any further on your trips." "Well it was a good one." I said. Once back to the hotel, we packed up and I went back home and said my good-byes to Zara. I got a call from my security guard. "You are leaving in two days." "Ok. Thanks!" I talked to my mother. "I'm glad you're living your dream. If someone tries to hold you back from it, just fight back. You let Harry do to you. Don't let anything get in the way of your dreams." I nodded thanks mom. I ran in my room and curled back in bed. I haven't thought about Harry since like ever! Wonder what he's doing? You know what? He hurt me and I didn't care once I left and I'm not going to care once I come back. I fell asleep.

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