Chap. 9

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I woke up and my arm was a little sore. I put some ice on it and laid in bed a little longer. I got a call from Dave. I answered. "Hello?" I said. "Hi! How practice going? I heard you and the boys will be playing together!" "Yep! I'm excited! Did you need anything?" I asked. "Yes! tomorrow is Saturday and... Well... Do you like photo shoots?" I got excited. "Yes I do!" "Good! Tomorrow I will pick you up at 10 and we will discuss clothing and poses and jumps you may do. Than around 12... Eh let's say maybe 1, we will get dressed and start taking pictures!" "Ok!" "Ok! Have a nice day!" "You too!" I hung up. I threw on a lace skirt with red leggings and a red and black striped shirt. I brushed my hair and put in a black head band and threw on my air walks. I grabbed my black violin and walked to the arena. As I was walking by a shop, I saw a man grabbing and shaking her very violently. A man who I think was the manager came out. "Hey take it somewhere else! You're disturbing the peace!" The man with the woman flipped him off and tried to pull het along. She kept yelling and screaming at him. "No! We are done! You cheated on me! I hate you!" The guy slapped the girl across the face. He spoke. "No! It's over when I say it is!" He started shaking het like a rag doll. People watched or looked away in terror, not know what to do. "Don't walk away from a fight but don't start one either." Went through my head. I walked over to the guy. The manager came out but I stopped him. "Hey, I got this ok. Please hold my case?" He nodded and I walked over to the guy. I grabbed him and dug my nails in his shoulders and took him off. He spun around as I walked over the the woman. "Are you ok?" I asked. Tears came out of her eyes. "Yeah I'm-I'm fine." "What the hell are you doing?! This is our deal! Not yours!" I turned to him. "You never treat a lady like that! You never shake her like a rag doll or slap her! That doesn't make you a man!" "Than what am I? A boy? A guy?" I glared straight in his eyes. "A pussy." People watched and a few guys with skateboards went, "Oooohhhh!!" The guy glared at me. "Why don't you go play with your dolls!" I smirked. "Why don't you go play with yourself!" I smirked as he turned red. "I take that as a yes." The guys with the skateboards were laughing. "Ok that's it!" He came at me. He got closer and I used the heel of my hand and thrusted up to his nose. He spun around. "Little girl! You broke my nose!" "Aww a little girl broke your nose?" I said in a sweet tone of voice. He turned to me with his nose bleeding. He came at me again. He swiftly put his arm around my neck. I stomped on his foot causing him to let loose a little. I elbowed him in the gutand his arms went around his gut. I turned and elbowed him in the side of the head. He went up and held his head. I swiftly turned and kicked him in the groan causing him to fall to the ground. I knelt by him. "First off, I'm 19 and second of all, don't mess with a violinist!" People cheered and the lady came up to me. "Oh thank you so much! I bet he will never mess with girls anymore!" I nodded! "No problem!" We hugged and I went back to the manager who gave my violin case back. I turned around and the group of guys with their skate boards were there. "Hey! You're A.J. Waterson right!?" One of the guys said. I nodded. "We love your music!" Another guy said. "Thank you!" I said. "Hey maybe we can walk you to your destination?" Another said. The 4 guys looked at me. I sat my case down and got my violin out. One guy carried my case as they rode their skateboards around me as I skipped around and played. People looked at us. I didn't mind. Once to the arena, I thanked them and took my case and they left. I put my ear against the door. I heard them singing "Live While We're Young." I opened the door and slid my case in and walked down the stage as I played along. I got on stage and the song ended. "Where were you!?" Harry asked. "I ran into a fight." The boys walked over to me. "Did you get hurt?" Zayn asked. "No. I'm fine! But I sure did kick someone's ass." We practiced a few times until we were done. "Ok! Practice starts up again at Monday." Liam said. I put my violin away. "Perfect! See you guys later!" They said bye except for Taylor and Harry just waved me off. I ran back to my house and listened to the CD. Rock Me is easy. It's like We Will Rock You but it's different. I'm pretty sure it's about sex. I love playing along with We Will Rock You and Rock Me is a little catchy. I didn't really like Summer Love. It kinda made me feel depressed. Little Things. That song made me think of Harry. I had to hanger the song quickly. As soon as the songs were over, I went down stairs and made some chicken nuggets in the oven instead of the microwave. The microwave can't make them crunchy on the outside. They make them soft on the inside and out. I like mine crunchy. I went back in my room and got on my computer. Once I did I saw the head line that was everywhere. "2 Ex's Reunite!" I scrolled down and read the article. "2 years ago, Harry Styles dated a girl named April Jean Waterson (A.J. Waterson). She found him drunk and cheating on her with another woman in a bathroom of a bar. She left him right before she was suppose to sign a contract so she can sing. After that and was never heard of again. 2 years later she came back from her home country America and she did little singing here and there but that's not what sea famous for. She is famous of her amazing violin playing and dancing! Mostly at the same time! She met Harry again and the boys got together and decided to have A.J. play with the boys for their upcoming concert at London. 'Practices are hard,' Says Harry Styles. 'At times we want to kill each other but we know we can't do that. Taylor comes along with me and I think A.J. wants to kill her the most. I'm sure she jealous of how amazing and beautiful Taylor.' " I stopped reading. When did he talk to the tabloids this? I hope realized that if I find out than he is a dead man and for saying I'm jealous of Taylor! I copied the link and put it on twitter and also along with "@Harry_Styles we need to talk and it won't be pretty!" I never got anything back. I went to bed so I can be ready for my photo shoot tomorrow.

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