Chap. 5

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I woke up. I showered and brushed my teeth. I blow dried my hair than straightened it. I threw on leggings, a fluffy lace skirt, a pair of knee high converse, a black shirt with the sleeves stopping at my elbows and they were white. I took a bobby pin and pined my bangs back. I put on some black eyeliner and some lip stick along with some shimmering lip gloss so they look shiny. I looked at myself. "Good!" I grabbed my back pack and my regular black violin. I threw on a jacket and zipped it up. I walked out the door and locked it. I walked towards town while playing my violin. Every note and every push and pull of my bow came to me naturally. A few girls stopped me. They wanted my auto-graph. I gave them auto-graphs and continued my journey till I got into town. I sat my bag down and put my violin and bow away. I walked up to Starbucks and got a mocha. "Hey. You're A.J. Waterson right?" The cashier asked. "Yes I am!" She jumped. "I'm a huge fan!" "Thank you. So how much will it be?" "Oh its on the house." I shook my head. "No I'm like everybody else. I have to pay." "Its on the house." She smiled. She took out a small piece of paper as I took out my marker and signed it. "Thanks." She said. I grabbed $5 and but it in the tip jar. She looked at me. "Keep the change." I turned and walked away. I sat a table and check my Facebook and finished my drink. I tossed it in the trash can and I grabbed a mint and poped it in my mouth. I grabbed the top part of my violin when I saw some one sit across from me. "Hello." His deep British accent caught me off guard. I looked up and saw the mop of curls and that smiled. I almost smiled back but I saw his eyes. Those very eyes reminded me of the time... *Flash Back* I opened the door and pain struck me. He was making out with a blonde chick. "Mmmm you are a good kisser." Harry said. "Harry?" I said as tears started to sting my eyes. He looked at me. "Oh shit. A.J." My watery eyes caught his. I saw the drunk and the lying in his eyes. He reached out for me but I backed away and shook my head. I sprinted out of there. *Flash Back Ends* I zipped my bag back up and stormed away. "A.J.!" Harry called after me. I ran and lost him. Once out of the crowd I grabbed my violin and lightly but quickly skipped and played my violin. Once and while I would do a kick and a spin or twirl of some kind. I got so into it I didn't notice anything around me. I made it to the building. I touched the door knob but I was turned around and my back slammed up against the door. I looked at the person who slammed me up against the door. "Harry! Let me go!" "What! We don't see each other for two years and you don't talk to me and that's all you say!? No hello!?" I glared at Harry. "I told you I never want to see you again." "Well it worked." I got out of his hold. "It was suppose to be a whole life goal. Never. See. You. AGAIN!" I opened the door but Harry closed it. "What!" His face close to mine. "Can you at lease say hi to me? At least tell me how your dad is doing?" When Harry and I dated, they talked to each other sometimes and my dad actually liked him... Until he went and got drunk that one night. He gave me puppy dog eyes. The one thing that used to make me weak. I put my hand on his face and shoved him off of me. "Fuck off." I walked inside and went to the stage as Harry followed me. "Please? A little hello will do!" I turned around. "Well howdy fucking doo! And my dad ditched me!" "I'm sorry." He said in a whisper. I rolled my eyes and sat on the stage as I cleaned up my bow and put more wax on the strings. He looked at me. I can see all of the new tattoo's he has under his shirt. I only have 3! He went over board! "So do you sing?" Harry asked as he sat in the front row in front of me. I put my bow down. I glared at him. "Listen here you bastard! You wanted me to sing so we could spend more time with each other! You mostly spent your free time at the bar getting drunk! That's the free time you should of used with me and you would still have me! Plus you never asked what I wanted to do with my life!" "Yes I did! I asked you and you wanted to sing!" "Hell no I never said that! I never wanted to sing but it was what ever made you happy! But now, I do what ever makes me happy! And I'm living my dream now! So I'm happy with my violin and with out you!" Harry stood up and got on stage. I stood up and grabbed my violin. "Stay away from me." I said. "Or what? You'll play me away?" The door opened. "Harry!" The same blonde girl from yesterday came up and hugged Harry. He dipped her and kissed her. I turned around and rolled my eyes. "Who's this?" She asked. "Oh this is a girl who plays the violin." I turned around. "Hi." She held out her hand. I just looked at her. She pulled her hand back. "Well I'm sure you know who I am." She flipped her hair back. I shook my head. "Well I'll tell you since you are a bit confused in the brain." I raised my eyebrows. "I'm Taylor Swift. And you are?" I imitated her voice and her hair flip. "Well I'm sure you know who I am." She wasn't happy... Who the hell cares anyways? "Harry, I don't like how she did that. Can we leave?" Taylor whined. "Sure babe." They walked down the aisle. "Bastard." I whispered to myself. The rest of the boys came in. "What did you call me? Say it to my face!" Taylor said as she turned around. "I would but that thing on your face that can't ever be removed is scary looking. I can't stand to look at you." She started crying. I laughed. The guys had no clue what was going on. "You know what? Go to hell!" I sat my violin down and got down from the stage and walked over to her. She hid behind Harry. "Where do you think I came from?" The boys went "Oooohhh!" I walked back on stage. Harry and Taylor walked out and the boys came over to me. "What was that all about?" Liam asked. I explained everything. "Glad you did that." Zayn said. "Yeah ever since Taylor and Harry dated she has been mean. Like when ever Harry isn't around she is mean and people try to tell him and she does this puppy dog look and says they are lying and that's how Taylor is able to get Harry to turn away from those people." Niall said. "Well... I can find a solution to this problem. But not now. Want hear my new song?" They jumped down and watched me as I played and danced. I'll find a way. Its called evidence!

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