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"It's in the car Mackenzie." I hope. "Why isn't it on your finger?" Man she bugging about every damn thing. It's annoying the fuck out of me. "August to the hall." "No Mackenzie damn chill out for a minute.." My mama looks at me, "August." "Sorry ma." I mumble. Mackenzie tripping over nothing while not nothing but I've explained to her throughly that nothing happened last night. We had a few drinks and then went to sleep.

I honestly had intentions on going home. In hindsight it was good I was there, Aleah ass froze the hell up seeing mama laying on the floor. Aleah ass man I don't know what to say about that damn girl. How do you decide between your wife and your best friend. They ass went tic for tac in that waiting room. I didn't know if I should've stopped them or what. So I did nothing and let them both say what they had to say.

Mackenzie just hell, I don't know what to say about her either. I brought most of this on to myself because I should've lied in the first place but I mean I thought at the time it was a good idea. I guess I should've thought the entire thing out first but it's done now.

"Alright well I'm about to head to work I'll catch y'all later." Mackenzie follows me out. "Baby.." "What Mackenzie? What you want me to say? I can't control nothing that comes out of Aleah's mouth. If you have a problem take that up with here. I'm staying out of it." "August you're the reason because of it." "Mackenzie-"

"Nigga don't make me get buck. Get you lil friend or all this shit is gone be mine. Remember how you got where you at punk ass." Has this woman lost her damn mind. Here we go with this shit again. "Watch yo damn mouth girl. Ion know who the hell you talking you Mackenzie. Try this shit again. I ain't one of them soft ass niggas go home and take yo damn medicine." Did I mention she was bipolar and has an episode every now and there swearing her ass a damn thug.

"August I'm not playing." "I'm not playing either."  You'd think I learned my lesson fucking around with crazy bitches. It wasn't all about her though, her father before he passed helped finance my club. That's actually how I meant her. Her pops took me under his wing and paid for all my shit. Mackenzie ain't a bad girl at all and she's fine as hell. She has her flaws but so does everyone else. She's just crazy.

She stay trying to threaten shit and use the same damn line every time she has an episode. I let her ass show out too, little does she know her father already put everything in my name. She can't take shit away except her self. She was doing fine with her disorder and episodes until now. Over the years I learned just let it play out rather than trying to put a stop too it. I love this crazy ass girl otherwise I wouldn't have married her but this Aleah shit got to stop.

Mackenzie looks at me. "Babe I'm sorry." "It's cool Kenzie, just chill out baby with this Aleah madness." "I'll try. It's just the thought of you two together drives me bananas." "Baby nothing is going to happen. I'm sorry for sleeping over but I honestly fell asleep." "Okay August." She's kisses my cheek. "I love you baby." "I love you too Aug." "Go take yo medicine forreal." "I am."

I get to the club and go straight up to my office. I look at the picture of the girls on my wall. I'm sad I didn't get to see them today or spend anytime with them like I usually do. Everything has changed since Aleah's been home. Shit has thrown me all off. Maybe I should back off a little, I have been going the extra mile for her. I know she would do the same for me but I feel like I'm neglecting my family life for it.

It's a knock at the door, "Come in." "Aye boss it's a guy out here looking for Aleah." "Who?" "He ain't say no name. He just asked if Aleah was here." "Send him in." The door opens, this Ty nigga. "What up?" "What's good? Leah here? " "Nah why you looking for here?" "I've been calling and getting no answer." "She straight." "You speaking for her now?" "What's your intentions with my best friend?"

"Oh that's what y'all call that shit?... Well they definitely aren't to make her fall in love and then run off and get married." I lean back in my chair, "You don't know me nigga." "I know all about you actually. The only reason you own this shit is because you married the building's previous owner daughter. Does Aleah know that.. How you met Mackenzie? You a sellout. You ain't half as loyal to Aleah as she is to you." "Get the fuck out my office." "The truth hurts. You ain't know what to do so preciate you for letting a real man take yo spot. It's fuck niggas like you that make it easy for a real guy like me."

He leaves out of my office. Aleah ain't going for that I'm a real man shit. I don't care what anyone says, that girl gone be rocking with me until the end. When the dust settles and shit gets real, Aleah gone be right there. Maybe at times I take advantage of that shit but it's never intentional. Man it might crush Aleah even more knowing why I married Mackenzie. She'll skip the connection we had and go straight to only because of the money. I might be trifling but damn I'm not shallow. This is something she'll need to hear from me.

I pull out my phone and call Aleah. It's going straight to voicemail, damn man. I need to think a plan and I know just the person to call. I gotta make this right some kind of way. I'm about to fix all of this shit. If it's the last thing I do. "Aye Jay... You still got connects with the Haitians right?" "Yeah. Why?" "I need a favor."

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