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The next few months I've really been on the edge, between the death of mama and whoever is playing on my phone still. Ty has been doing all he can to comfort me on it. I don't know who the fuck it was on the phone. Ty felt like an asshole but I mean when isn't he being one. It's cute now to see his jealous side but it was a headache a couple of days ago. Things with August have progressed well. I can't believe he got the arrest off my record.

I requested a background check on myself and everything came back clean. It shocked the hell out of me. Things with the girls are going. It's still a little hard adjusting, they actually come back and forth between me and Ty, and Aug. Ty place is the spot on the weekend.

I'm laying here in bed and I don't really have any energy to get. Ty was at work so I might just be a lazy day for me. I guess a good thing about being the boss girlfriend when you don't want to go to work you don't really have too. I wish he was here laying right beside me instead of being at the office.

I wonder what August is up too. Seeing him after so long really made me realize it's not as much of a spark as it was before. Maybe because we're older now or maybe it's because we haven't been together like that in a long time. I don't know, I still love him to death. We have a really good solid friendship and he's even talking about co-parenting with Amaya. Amaya has asked about staying over here more often a thousand and one times.

I know Ty said he loves children and he's been a real trooper with everything that has happened with, but I'm not sure how exactly he would feel about that. It's certain shit that a boyfriend is willing to put up with. I guess I should talk to him about what we are, where we're going, and how serious this relationship is or not.

My phone rings and I get up to grab it. "Hey baby." "What's good ma? What you doing?" "Nothing laying here." "Get out the bed." "I can't." "Let's go to lunch." "I guess I can get out of bed for that. You buying?" He laughs, "Girl if you don't get yo broke ass out the damn bed. Make me find you."

"We can play hide and seek. What I get if you find me Tywon?" "I'm supposed to be asking that, not you. So what will I get Aleah?" I can tell he's probably sitting at his desk, trying to concentrate on some paperwork or some shit like that. He isn't being goofy as hell. "Well come find me and you'll find out." "Teasing ass... You out the bed yet?" "I thought we were going to be hide and seek."

"I'm about to hide and seek to this restaurant." I laugh, "Alright I'm up. We should play later tho." "I'm not about to even entertain that." "It could be fun." "Big ass kid." "So. I'll see you in like thirty minutes." "Alright baby." We hang up. I roll out of bed and find something to wear. I guess this dress will do.

I grab my keys and head over to the place. I actually beat Ty ass here. "Thought we were playing hide and go seek." Ty says sitting down. "You acted like you didn't want to play." He laughs and then leans over and kiss me. I love his kisses. He pulls back. "Damn." I cough. "Missed me Ty?" That kiss had all the extra hmph into it. "Sure did."

We order our food. "How's work going?" "It's work. How's the bed?" "It's cool. Wish I could be doing other things than solely just laying there." "Freaky ass." "Who said I was being freaky?" I ask innocently. "Don't even try it." "I have no idea what such things you speaking of." Ty laughs. "You're some else man." "Oh I am?" "Stop doing that."

"What am I doing Ty?" "You know what you doing Aleah." I fell his hand sit on my thigh. "What you doing Ty?" "Huh? Nothing baby nothing at all." His hand goes lower, oh he's in for a treat. "No panties?" He asks smirking. "What are you talking about?" "You full of games today." He inserts two fingers. "Hm wait what are you doing Tywon?" "I don't know what you're talking about Aleah." Fuck.

The waiter comes over, "Would you like cheese on your pasta?" I shake my head no trying to scoot back in my seat. Ty speeds up. "He can't hear you Aleah." This damn bastard, "No." "Alright ma'am. That was a no right?" This waiter can't hear. "Yes it's a no." The no came out more as a moan. "And for you sir?" "No thank you." Ty says smiling. The waiter looks at the both of us. Ty is still violating the fuck out of me.

"Enjoy your meal." "We will." He walks away. Ty slows down and moves on finger. "Aleahhh.." I glare over at him. Why is he teasing me like this? I was just about to cum. "Ty finish what you started." "Oh I'm about to start on this pasta." "Tywonnn." He laughs, "Eat girl." "Baby come on." "Finish yo self." This nigga, "Seriously Ty?" "Yeah." "Fine." I get up and go into the bathroom. Finishing myself off, felt so good. I got some for this nigga.

I get back to the table. "Did you take care of your problem?" He asks. "I don't know, maybe I did." "You a freak but I like it." "Shut that up. Owe I can't wait." "Until what?" "You want something." "Why?" He asks laughing. "You know why." "That would be so petty Aleah." I laugh, "You would know all about being petty." "I'll break you off once we leave." "Nope."

"You telling me no?" "You heard me correctly." He tries to hold down my thigh but I get up and sit across the table. I'm not falling for that again. "Come here baby." "Nope." He laughs, "Baby come here." I smile, "No Ty." "I'll be good. I promise." I laugh, "Yeah alright be good from right where you at." He laughs, "Hell nah Aleah."

We start eating, "So you staying right there?" He asks. "Yeah." "What if I move?" "Then I'm moving." He laughs and shakes his head, "You some else man." "You are too." "So, you still love me though so I'm good at the end of the day regardless." He says smiling. "Yeah I guess you alright Cheap Ass." "Well broke ass you'd know." "You're a great boyfriend minus that shit you just did." He laughs, "No comment, but you're pretty amazing yourself baby girl. I love you Aleah." He just said it, he genuinely just said it.

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