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"Hey your August right?" We aren't supposed to be socializing amongst each other but the girl is kind of cute. Hell no nigga stop what you doing right now. I'm already in here for women troubles as it is. I hope she ain't tryna talk to my ass, I can't do it. "Yeah what's up?" "Well I've been watching you for some time now and I just wanted to know if we could hang out sometime." "No I'm okay on that. You have a great day."

I walk back into my room. Things with therapy have been going great. I'm really accomplishing a lot of shit. The only thing I'm really hating at this point is not being able to be contact with anyone outside of here. I can't wait to talk to Aleah. We're about to get our friendship back on the right track and to co- parenting Amaya. Yeah Mackenzie plays a mother role most of the time but Amaya knows who her real mother is and if she wants to pursue that relationship I can't stop her and Aleah from doing so.

As for me and Mackenzie doc suggestion is to try to talk and compromise on some things. For example her throwing up her father's involvement in my come up when she has an episode in my face will end up in me resenting her. Resenting her would end with me cheating again or breaking any of the other vows we made to each other. So for the sake of our children we should talk before we put ourselves and them through a situation that could turn ugly real quick.

We also talked about that Ty nigga. What Ty that night he came in looking for Aleah was true. I fucked up and I can admit to that. My whole take on that is if Aleah likes it I love it. As long as he's treating her right I'm cool. Initially I also felt uncomfortable with him being around Angelique and Amaya but I'm trusting Aleah's judgement. Doc suggested for my own sanity I should sit down and talk with him man to man. It makes sense to me since he's around my daughters and best friend.

The issue with Raevyn and how shit got haywire with that and Angelique was discussed also. Man I told this nigga my entire life story. But his suggestion on her is try helping her, sit down and talk to her to see where her head is at. At first I was hesitant on her being in Angelique's life but now I get what doc is saying. A girl needs her mother in her life. Angelique wants that bond and connections with her mom we can make a plan for that to happen.

As for what I need to do for myself is just be the best husband, father, friend, boss to those around me. I have to be a man about every situation and stop having my childish moments. I have to be and stay focused on the responsibilities I have to do. I won't be perfect at this all the time but I'm just take it day by day. If I fall off the horse just get back up and try again. I really hope they love the new and improved August.

"August it's time for your session." I get up off the bed and go into the office. "How are you today Mr. Alsina?" "I'm good.. I'm excited actually." "Do you care to share?" I sit down in the chair. "I can't wait to apply everything I've learned so far." Dr. Charlie chuckles, "I love to see this type of reaction in my clients." "So doc what do I do if things don't go the way I imagine them as?"

"Well August you can either try again or you can  make a new plan." "So like if I go to Aleah and try to reconnect our friendship but she's not on board with it. What do I do?" "You have to ease into things like that gently. She may not accept your invitation at first. Woman are fragile creatures. Sometimes they hold on to the pain and agony one has put them their and sometimes it's the opposite. It all depends on how she copes with things. Let me ask you a question.."

"Go ahead Doc." "How would you feel if Ty has taken your place as that one to run to?" "I would be mad but I understand it also. I wasn't acting how a friend would act, I was only thinking of myself. I'm willingly to stick around and get my spot back even if I have to start from the bottom as an associate." "I'll admit I've never seen anyone as passionate about their friendship as much as this one. Aleah must be a very special lady."

"She is doc I love that girl." "I don't need a degree to tell me that it's clear." We both laugh, "How would you feel if she was to marry Ty?" "You mean like after I tried talking to her and being her friend and possibly working my way up?" "Wait let's rewind, you still feel it's hope for you and Aleah?" "It's the only hope I'm holding on too." "What about Mackenzie and your daughters?"

"My daughters love Aleah and like I've said before I love Mackenzie but I love Aleah." "More than you love your wife?" I sit back in the chair. "I do doc oh shit. I love Aleah more than Mackenzie." Damn we've never discussed this before. This is uncharted territory.

"So you would be willing to throw all that you've made away for Aleah?" "No hesitation." "Do you think she would be willing to do the same for you?" "That I don't know before or after we worked our way up?" Doc laughs, "After Mr. Alsina." "Maybe... Apparently she really likes this Ty guy but I don't see it going very far." "What if it does?" "Then I'll just have to settle for the best fiend role."

"What if as soon as you get home Aleah and Ty are over, and he suddenly proposes to her. She says yes. What do you do?"  If it does than I'll just have to be happy with it." "Ah ha this is what I was reaching for." "What were you reaching for exactly?" I ask confused.

"When you truly love someone your willing to do anything for them and that includes letting them living their life... Even if it means you don't play a huge role in it." "So would I be petty if I waited around for him to mess up and then make my move?" "You don't want to count on that but if and I say if very loosely something and you genuinely feel it's your time then by all means take it." Who knows what the future holds but the fact that it's an unlimited amount of possibilities is exciting. "Thanks for all your help Doc. I've really feel like I've accomplished something."

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