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"Baby you sure it's the right thing to do?" "Alex said it will only be temporary. It hasn't even been approved yet." I answer rocking Tyleah. My snook just had a nice bath, this warm bottle will top it off. "I'm just saying Alex changing things at the last minute was a little shady." "I agree. I'm sure August is pissed about it but when Alex explained how the process works it makes sense. If and once I get her, after a few months I could release guardianship over to him and let it be done that way."

"So what are you going to do if you reconnect and rebuild that bond while she's here, you think you could let her go so easily?" "I've never thought about that." "Just be careful. I know she's yours but Aug has been the only family she's known." "You're right." Once Tyleah is sleep I get up and lay her down her crib. "You keeping her in there tonight?" Ty asks.

"Yes for now. Why?" "I go to sleep and when I wake up somehow, as if it was magic, two babies appear in my bed." I laugh, "Because baby that's the magic of a mother." "Alright mama. Leave the fairy dust alone tonight." "But if they cry I come in here and  get them." "It's good for soul, let them lay there, come check on them but leave them in here  once you calm them." I roll my eyes, that's what he thinks.  My babies coming in that room.

"Don't roll your eyes at me girl." "Uhm mhm." I walk towards the bedroom leaving the twins door open. "Tyleah and TJ are both sleep. That means we-" "Nope not tonight." I say quickly. "Baby.." "Sorry love." "You treat me so wrong." I laugh, "You're  pouting Ty?" "What you think? Baby come on." He says grabbing my hand. "Ty no."

"No is your favorite word now." "I don't say it that much." "Please." "Nah." "You really gone make me beg?" "You look pretty when you begging." "I'm about to be petty in a minute." "I can play that game real good too." "Oh okay. Game on then."

I laugh and lay snuggle up under the covers. We could have sex but I'm not comfortable with this  scar yet, it's not cute. "Good night baby." He turns his back towards me. "Whatever." My third baby of the bunch, attitude gone be on ten now. "You mad?" I ask Ty. "Nope." "Baby turn around." "I'm good Aleah."

I laugh, "I have to tell you something." "You've said enough." I need his arm around me or something so I can go to sleep. "Tywon." "Jr in his room sleeping." "I'm talking to Tywon Sr." "He's currently unavailable at the moment." "Baby just sit your arm around me." "No thank you." He says quickly. "Fine."

The next morning, I wake up to flowers sitting on the nightstand with a note, Good morning beautiful, Just a simple thank you note for being who you are to me and our children. I love you and I'm down the days until your officially Mrs. Jackson. P.S it's a surprise for you downstairs. P.S.S I feed the twins before I left for work. P.S.S.S this my last one forreal, don't rollover they're behind you. Forever Yours, Ty

"Awwww." I slowly lay on the opposite side and see TJ sleeping leaving and Tyleah looking up at me. "Well good morning sunshine." I pick her up. "How are you mama?" Her eyes get caught at the red roses and she stares at them. "Baby girl make sure when the time comes you get you a man that buys you flowers just because like your amazing father, alright?" I get up and grab TJ.

Holding both of my babies we go down the steps to see what Ty surprise is. "Aw look mama! Daddy got y'all a bassinet!" I've been dying for one of these. I love Tywon Jackson, he's the fucking best. TJ jumps and his eyes pop open. It slick looks like he's mugging me, "Aw sorry baby boy.... Come on let's go put this up right by the bed." I sit the twins in their swing. I open the box and take the things out.

After a few hours pieces are everywhere around the living room. "Okay I think it's official mommy has no idea what she's doing." I turn around and see the twins sleeping. Well so much for talking to them. Huffing I get up and walk into the kitchen. I look over at the time and it's 4 already. I guess I could start making dinner now. Ty will get his favorite meal for dinner tonight, Fried pork chops, cabbage casserole, and rice. After the flowers and the bassinet he can get a cake too.

It's a knock on the door. I pause from preparing the cabbage to answer the door. "Hi Ms. Jones we have excellent news for you." "Um who are you?" "I'm Ms. Jane from CPS. May I come in?" Shit I felt all of those pieces out. She looks at me and bats her eyes. "Sure." I answer stepping to the side. "Well aren't they just precious." "Please excuse the mess I was trying to put up their bassinet." She laughs, "It's a real headache. I have triplets who are grown now it wasn't easy." Oh God bless her soul, I can't imagine have three kids at one time.

"Well I just need to ask you a few questions." "Okay." "Your fiancé works correct?" "Yes ma'am." "His annual salary is 189,000?" That sounds right, I don't know Ty stuff like that. "Somewhere around there." "Alright I just need to inspect the house." While she walks around the house I walk back in the kitchen to finish cooking."

"Well Ms. Jones now all I need is your signature." "What is all of this about?" "Well Ms. Jones the judge approved your application to gaining custody of you're daughter Amaya Jones." I smile. "Thank you." "It's my pleasure."

As soon as I escort Ms. Jane out August name pops up on my phone. I answer excited as hell, "Hey! Listen-" "Do you hear that Aleah? That's Angelique and Amina crying because Amaya has to leave tomorrow," "August it's not-" He cuts me off, "What happen the shit we talked about? If you wanted her back all you had to do was say something. You're taking her from all she knows and I hope your ready to leave with that." He hangs up.

I sit the phone down and go back into the kitchen. As I'm done cooking I head back into the living room. "I knew you would do this." Ty says walking in. I laugh, "I was excited. Thank you baby for the gift and flowers." I go over to him and kiss his cheek. "You're welcome baby. It smells good in here." I grab him hand, "I made your favorite." We walk into the kitchen and he licks his lips, "I'm a lucky man. Thank you baby."

After we finish eating I go into the living room to see TJ was up so I scoop him and sit on the couch. "Your too quiet." Ty says sitting beside me. "I know just thinking that's all." "About what?" "I was approved to get Amaya back. A worker from CPS came by and inspected. She should be here tomorrow sometime." "That's great baby!" "August didn't take it well nor did Angelique and Amina."

I already felt bad about the situation and August just made it worse. On the flip side of the situation as I hold TJ I can't ever imagine giving him or Tyleah away. Amaya was robbed of that experience. I promise going to make it up to her and that's going to be the first thing I do.

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