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"Well today is the day you get to go home." "I really appreciate everything Dr. Charlie. You've helped me a lot." I shake his hand. "It's what I'm here for. I'll be in touch Mr. Alsina. Have a safe trip back." "Bye." I get in my car, I've been without a phone this long, I might as well leave it be as I travel back home. This past month of peace and quiet has did my soul a whole lot of fucking good.

It drive until it's dark and then I check into a hotel. I get in my room and crash for the night.

"Aleah why are you crying man? Talk to me please..." "August you don't get it do you?" What don't I get? "Baby girl what don't I get. I don't know what's wrong." I sit down beside her on the floor. Is she pregnant?!? Breathe August Breathe. "Who child is this you're carrying?" "It's my boyfriend's." Isn't this the best fucking news I've heard all day. I'm a little jealous she's carrying his child. At least he gets to enjoy the pregnancy shit.

I never knew she was pregnant with Amaya in the first place. Let me play this out, what the hell would the doc say.
So August how does this make you feel?
I'd say, well doc I'm salty as hell she carrying this nigga seed.
But she carried your daughter correct?
-Yeah but this is different.
How is this different?
-Because I ain't made no damn progress with her yet.
Could you raise another child by another man?
- I mean I could but I don't know how he would take it.
Does that matter to you what he thinks?"

Alright wait I'm getting all off topic here. I look back down at Aleah, "Why you crying?" "August shit has been crazy." "Like what talk to me..." "August just please go away." What? "Why?" "Because I said so. Just leave the fuck alone. Bad things happen you come around." "Aleah how could you say that?" "First you mama now this. I hate you. Stay as far away from me as possible. I feel myself getting mad. I become hot instantly, "Fuck you. How the hell are you to say some shit like that to me?!" Breathe August. Remember what the doctor said. Trying to apply this therapy shit is hard as hell.

I count to ten and inhale and exhale slowly. "Let's try this again.... Just tell me what's wrong.." "I can't they will kill me." "Who the hell gone kill you?" I'll be damn if I let a nigga even think about touching her, over my fucking dead body will that happen. "August I can't tell you." "Aleah you can tell me anything." "I love you, you know that right..." "Of course man I love you too baby." "Don't eve forget me." "How can I?" She grabs my shirt. "It's-" POW. I hold her lifeless body in my arms. "Aleah get up...please get up!"

I jot up out of my sleep. I go into the bathroom and wipe my face. Damn it look like I've been crying. That's a scary ass dream. I cut the tv on, and look at the meal I ordered while I was checking in. I unwrap it and throw it in the microwave. I'm hungry as fuck. After I eat I lay there. I'm actually nervous as hell to be going home.

I don't know how everyone going to react to the shit I'm gone be one. They might think aliens got my ass. I reach for my phone. I won't hurt to see and peek at what I've been missing. I don't feel like getting up to find the charger. I'll check in the morning. I lay there and fall right back asleep.

The next morning...

Once I was up and at it, I had breakfast. These guys kept talking about some mountain near by so I jogged over to that. Around noon I start heading back towards home. This is a beautiful city that surrounds a huge mountain. I could've flew back home but looking at this view with my new outlook, makes you appreciate things a lot more. I rather sight see and drive then rush back into my regularly scheduled program.

I finally reach for my phone but it's dead with no damn charger. I search for the charger in my bag. "Them nigga really kept my shit." Damn. I sit my phone but on the dashboard. I check the time on my watch. If I stop now, it's going to put me back getting there another hour. Fuck it, I'll just let my arrival back be a surprise.

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