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This shit here is fucking ridiculous. "Mr. Alsina can you prove that you were previously stated as the father of Amaya?" The judge asks. "Yes I can." "Your honor my client has proof that it was a falsified document." "Mr. Kent what evidence to you have?" "You said it's a statue of limitations right?" KC asks his lawyer. "Yes son tell the judge." "Well your honor myself and Mr. Alsina decreased wife made a plan 8 years ago. We knew that they would be eventually adopt Amaya and created the document." What the hell did he just say. I sip some of the water.

"What was you motive for this Mr. Kent?" "Mr. Alsina's wife knew the relationship status of her husband and Aleah Jones, Amaya's mother, wasn't in a sibling relationship as Mr. Alsina previously told her. She and another woman by the name of Lorraine Newton had plans on doing away with Ms. Jones." "Clarify what you mean by doing away..." "Killing her.... Ms. Newton and Mr. Alsina's wife were sisters." "Man what the hell is going on?" I'm confused as a motherfucker! "Such language won't be tolerated Mr. Alsina."

"Your honor can Mr. Kent go into full detail of the plan?" "Mr. Kent can you explain everything clearly."

"This plan Ms. Newton made goes like this I purposefully impregnated Ms. Jones in hopes to start a life with her. I staged my death and once things cooled down I was coming back for my daughter. Mr. Alsina was supposed to go off the prison and Ms. Newton was going to bust him out and they would be on the run. The problem came in when Ms. Jones best friend fell in love with her. Once that plan went left, Ms. Newton created a new plan and pulled her sister in on it. She made him fall in love, they got married, word got about about Ms. Jones having Amaya. We knew Aleah would put her in foster care. They cared for Amaya over the years waiting on the adoption paperworks. Once they got her, Mackenzie knew the news of her marriage to Mr. Alsina would create a barrier between Ms. Jones and Mr. Alsina. So the document was given saying he was father. Mackenzie was going to give me Amaya."

My life damn life has a been a damn life for the past years! What the fuck type of sick shit is this?!? I let the woman of my damn dreams go and put all that shit to the fucking back burner because I fell in love with a psychotic bitch! I get up, "Mr. Alsina where are you going?" The judge asks but I can't speak. This shit ain't making no sense at all. They wanted us that fucking bad they'd be willing to do away with the other. Oh this shit is too crazy!

I walk out the room, damn the lobby is spinning. "August!... August! Get up, get-" Everything goes black.

I wake up with light blaring down on me. "Your awake." "What happen?" "You passed out." "Where am I?" "In a safe place August." "A safe place?" "Mercy Ward." The fucking looney bin. I try sitting up but I'm strapped down. "What the fucking is going on?" "Calm down Mr. Alsina." "Why am I here?" "The doctor ordered you an assessment." "For what?" Damn what part of why the hell am I here isn't she understanding.

"Can I make a call?" "Sure. What's the number?" "Can you unstrap me so I can call?" "I can't do that sir." I groan, "Alright it's...." I give her Aleah's number. I know she's home with the babies but somebody needs to get me out this bitch. I need to know what's going with my daughters too. She puts the phone to my ear. "Aleah!" "What's up? Why you calling me from an out of state number?" "Look I don't know what's going on but can you get down here fast? Where the girls at?" "They're here. Ty went and got from school when Angelique called. Where you at?"

"Mercy Ward." "What the hell? Alright I'm on the way." The nurse hangs up the phone. This shit isn't comfortable at all. This entire damn day ain't making no fucking sense at all.

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