Its About To Get Loud (Assassins)

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Apollo cantered silently through the hall ways of Cesar's castle. Abacus, Cowboy, and Ajax all followed. Assassins were forbidden from the land of Havana but it was their home. They refused to leave. Many brave horses died defending the kingdom and they were not about to let their deaths mean nothing.

The four split up to be able to cover more ground. They had specific things that they needed. Letters from any other kingdom in Valhalla. Plans for anything that could be useful. And any information they could find.

     Apollo galloped to Cesar's office. He peered in through the cracked open door to see if any pony was in there. As quietly as he could manage he opened the door and walked inside and started going through things.

     Cowboy and Ajax were not much help. Cowboy got distracted by the private brewery and Ajax just couldn't find anything when he tried to look. Abacus found a battle map and snagged it.

     Apollo was trying to be fast. He could hear a Templar guard walking up the hall way. He looked through all of the files he had open but nothing stood out. He broke open the locked file cabinet and yanked it out, making more noise then intended.

     The guard perked his ears up and started for Cesar's office. Apollo looked at all the flies scattered throughout the floor.

     "These all look the same!" He kept looking hearing the guard getting closer. Suddenly the top of a file stood out to him. They all were named except for this one. Knowing he was out of time he grabbed the file in his mouth.

     Right as he did the guard pushed the door open and turned the light on. Apollos red and white assassins jacket light up in the goth styled room. Apollo held the file in his mouth.

     Apollo laughed sheepishly. The guard stood there about to signal for the others. Apollo galloped past him going to the group.

     "It's about to get loud!" Apollo galloped past Ajax, Abacus, and Cowboy. He tossed the data file to Abacus who caught it and put it in his jacket.

     A huge herd of guards galloped around the corner. The three didn't ask questions and raced quickly after where Apollo went.

     They made it outside and looked around for Apollo who was no where to be found. Templar guards were already waiting there for Abacus, Ajax and Cowboy. The guards chasing the assassins caught up and helped surround them.

"This information better be worth it!" Ajax swished his tail looking around at all of the guards.

"Where the hell is Apollo?!" Cowboy looked around trying to see if he could find him. A guard stepped into the middle of the circle that the guards had formed.

"Attention Assassins! Stand down you're surrounded! Give us the data file now! You will be taken into custody! We can either do this the easy way or the hard way! There is no escape so hand over the file!" The guard pointed his gun at Abacus. The three stood there looking around.

     Out of no where a bullet pierced the left side of lead guards chest. He staggered forward before falling. Abacus looked around confused. Apollo galloped through the circle of guards into the middle.

"Miss me ladies?" Apollo smirked.

"Not really." Ajax rolled his eyes.

"Ouch." Apollo looked at the guards. "Who's up for some fun?" Apollo looked at the group. Cowboy smirked. Apollo galloped at some of the guards. He slid under one dragging his sword along the stallions chest down his stomach as he did. The others went to go fight the other guards.

     The Templar guards died off easily, and when there was few left the heavy calvary came out. A dappled gray shire stallion walked out with a heavy duty machine gun.

     "What... is... that?..." Ajax looked at Apollo.

     "I have no idea..." Apollo looked at the gun. The shire started shooting rapid bullets at the assassins. Cowboy galloped at Abacus and tackled him out of the way. Two bullets hitting his flank as he did. Apollo ran at the guard while he was distracted and bucked him in the side sending him flying and smashing his head against a rock.

     Cowboy got up. Bleeding from his right flank in two spots. Abacus looked at him.

     "We have wounded!" Abacus helped Cowboy toward the cliff that surrounds the castle on one side. Ajax followed. Apollo still was killing guards then galloped toward them. Abacus shot guards as Apollo galloped toward them.

     "Time to go home!" Abacus tossed the file back to Apollo. He caught it. Abacus grabbed Cowboys hood and dragged him off the edge of the cliff with him. Ajax followed down the cliff as well. Apollo put the file in his jacket and jumped down the cliff. The guards that were chasing him put the breaks on hard throwing dirt and rocks over the edge.

     Apollo landed on a very small ledge and jumped at an angle landing in a cave. Many horses couldn't do what the assassins did that's what made them special. The three were in the cave waiting for Apollo.

     "How bad is it Cowboy?" Apollo looked at Cowboys wound.

     "Not bad at all. Some pony," Cowboy looked at Abacus, "over reacted." Abacus rolled his eyes.

"Says the horse with blood dripping down his leg." Abacus looked at Cowboys leg. Blood slowly trickled down it if the, once white, jacket fabric didn't absorb it. Cowboy snorted. Apollo looked around.

"Can we go? These caves creep me out..." Ajax swished his tail and flicked his ears listening to what was happening around him. Apollo nodded. The group started down one of the many tunnels.

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