Chapter 3- Daliah's Confession

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"You know what" Daliah stated angrily into her parents face " IVE NEVER LOVED YOU ALL YOU ARE, ARE OBSTACLES AND I HATE YOU"
Daliah's mom broke down crying as she laughed in her face
" You two brought me into this world raised me to be the happiest thing on the planet and yet you made on fatal mistake. I wasn't born a cheery little person I was born to be a villain."
Her father now stood dumbstruck with anger in his eyes.
"Why you little ungrateful little" Daliah's father said as he now bolted for her arm "Your coming back home with us right now" Daliah pulled back as she slid backwards.
"No I'm never going back you two are the bane of my existence!" Daliah said scooting backwards.
"Fine live your life as a villain but don't come crying to us when you fail!" Daliah's father said picking her sobbing mother and walking back to the car. For the first time in forever she was happy. She got to her feet and brushed off her legs.
" schadenfreude" she said to herself smirking and heading toward the small plane with a MA Griffin on it.

Daliah hands her acceptance letter to tall bald man in a butler outfit. The man proceeds to place the letter along with 15 others in a large manilla envelope. She walks up the small staircase into the airplane. There is only one empty seat left on the plane which is next to a tall boy with curly long brown hair who is blankly staring out the window.
"Ah Ms. Gades thank you for joining us we will be taking off soon please buckle your seatbelt" a tall lanky woman in a suit says to Daliah.
She buckles her seatbelt. She examines the boy she is sitting next to quietly without drawing his attention.
"Hi, I'm Daliah" she says to the boy sitting next to her
"Hello Daliah, I'm Westly" he said depressingly still staring out the window
"If you don't mind me asking why are you so monotone?" Daliah asked
"Actually I'm sorry I don't think I know you? " Jackson said "Maybe you shouldnt ask strangers questions. I don't mean to be rude but I don't share my feelings with people i just met."

The intercom on the plane comes on "We are taking off now please buckle your seatbelts and prepare for take off"
Daliah was sorry she asked. She put her headphones in, put on her favorite show and watched for hours

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