"Shhh Dakota it will be alright" Ivan said stroking Dakotas hair as she sat crying on Daliahs lap. No one spoke they just silently watched Dakota as she broke down. No one thought to speak, no one knew what to say.
"Whats the matter Dakota" Sam finally said breaking the silence
"Itts.... Just..... A ....nightmare" Dakota spoke between sobs and gasping for air. Ivan and sam backed away from Daliah Dakota and Jackson.
"We should take her to the house" Ivan suggested "she'll be safe and she can stay in my room"
"But will she want to" Sam asked
"I dont know lets ask daliah" Ivan said
"Hey so Sam and i thought it would be a good idea to take Dakota to the house ?" Ivan whispered to daliah
"I think thats a great idea" Daliah said lifting Dakota to her feet. "Lets go"
"Where... Are...we going ?" Dakota hesitated
"Home" Jackson said turing towards the cliffsBack at the house Ivan led Dakota into her room
"Lie down girly youll be ok" Ivan said leaving the door open a crack.
"So what are we going to do Daliah" Sam asked
"I dont know but we have to do something and we have to do it quick" Daliah said walking into the kitchen to wipe the snot and tears off her arms.
"We could call her parents " Ivan suggested "Its required for her to go home and she'll be better there"
"Its the last few months of her last year before she graduates, she would have to go to normal high school to finish school" Daliah said
The group stood in silence until
A loud noise came from Ivan's room that sounding like breaking glass.
Without thinking the entire group got up and ran into Ivan's room.In the room the window was shattered, the bed was torn to shreds, bathroom mirror was shattered as well, and worst of all, Dakota was no where to be found.

Meddlers Academy
FantasyDo you have unique powers? Are you a Genius? Is your dream to be anything but good? If you answer yes to any of these questions you belong at Meddlers Academy. Meddlers Academy or MA is a large boarding school on the hidden island Maysalya where ext...