Chapter 20- 2 am Issuses

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Daliah layed staring at the ceiling from her bed in the elites room, when Ivan barged in
"Hey you get up Sam wants us" she said pushing Daliah off the bed
"Ugh what now" Daliah said getting up off of the floor. She followed Ivan into Sam's room where Sam was sitting on his bed on is laptop and Jackson was sitting on the floor using his
"Ok what do you want?" Ivan asked standing in the doorway
"Well we have a really big issue" Sam said turning his laptop around showing the girls the screen. On the screen
Meddlers News
Breaking news
Meddlers last years!? School set to close in 2020.
"Wait what!?" Daliah screamed "I'll be right back" she said walking out of the room to grab her laptop. Daliah immediately logged on to the school website and read the article
"Apparently they are closing meddlers because no one 'wants' to be a villain anymore" Daliah said after reading the article
" well I think it's true" Jackson argued not looking up from his laptop
"What are you doing anyway bro" Sam asked closing his laptop. "Guys as much as I would LOVE a party in my room could we take this lovely meeting else where?" Sam said shooing everyone out of his room. The group walked into the living room. Jackson still hadn't looked up from his laptop and in doing this accidentally missed the chair and fell strait on his ass. Everyone laughed
"Hey genius maybe if you got your head out of the computer you wouldn't have fallen on you butt" Daliah said laughing.
"Grr" Jackson growled at Daliah and closed his laptop.
"What are we going to do about this guys?" Ivan asked making coffee.
"I don't know Sam said sarcastically "make me some coffee while your in there." Everyone didn't know what to think.
"Maybe we could use our powers?" Daliah said unsure
"What is Ivans power anyway?" Jackson asked sitting in the chair he missed and opening his laptop once again
" oh yeah totally forgot to tell you guys I am a shapeshifter " Ivan said handing Sam a cup of coffee
"Wait what how? I've never seen you in any of my classes" Daliah said confused
I've always been an elite no One even knows I exists" Ivan said turning on the tv.
" So I've got an idea" Jackson said " We could just let this dump close"
"Why?" Daliah asked "I thought you like it here"
Well first of all it's hell on earth here and second now it's just filled with teens forced here by there parents, just like all of us" Jackson explained
"I wasn't" Daliah said
"You've go to be kidding" Sam complained
"Even I was forced here" Ivan added
"You wanted to come to this hell?" Jackson asked in disbelief finally looking up from his laptop
"Well yeah its an escape from my hell of a home and my over jolly douches I used to regretfully call my parents." Daliah explained. Everyone fell silent "that is pure evil" Sam said " disowning your own parents I applaud you Daliah gades" he started to clap. Ivan also joined in clapping. The alarm in Daliahs room interrupted the applause.
5:00 AM
"Thanks I'm gonna go back to sleep and think. Goodnight" Daliah said walking to her room
"Morning" Jackson yelled to her
"Whatever" Daliah said closing her door.

Authors note
Sorry Jay it's 2 chapters for you now. So My longest chapter in a while. I'm still gonna throw in descriptions and backstories here and there. Chapters are going to be longer from Now on but that means longer to post. Thanks for reading.

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