Chapter 28- Early

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P.O.V. Mallory
I sat at my vanity finishing my eyeliner when someone knocked on my door
"What do you want!?" I screamed slamming my eyeliner on the table half expecting it to be Elliot. I hated that guy.
"Hey kiddo can I come in ?" Daliahs voice said from behind the locked door. I got up unlocked it let her in. I sat back at my vanity placing my makeup neatly back into it's drawers.
I glanced at the time
"I got 15 minutes what's up Daliah" I said staring at my phone. She isn't my favorite person at the moment especially since she gets to boss me around for the next 3 years.
"I need advice" Daliah said
"Advice? Are you kidding me?" I said sarcastically looking up from my phone enthused
"Yeah so I have this thing tonight with a guy. And I need you to help me. I don't wanna screw this up." Daliah said
"Just be yourself you're an awesome person I'm sure you'll be fine" I was lying I didn't think she would be fine I'm sure it would be a total disaster I mean this chick is like a stuck up know it all who can't compromise at least from what I've seen she's going to fuck this thing up so fast. I looked at my phone. 6:25
"Well I would love to keep chating but I have a thing and so do you so bye bye" I said pushing Daliah put of my room and locking the door behind me. Sam told me to meet at the tree house and that's exactly what I did. Dressed in my light sundress and flats I climbed the ladder to the tree house. God how humiliating this is. I look like a Tom boy with no sense of lady likeness. Climbing this stupid ladder.
Once I was up in the tree house, all the furniture was moved and at the center of the room a table with candles. Oh great this is gonna be just like lady and the tramp type thing. Whoo (sarcastic)
I walked towards the middle of the room and looked around. Sam wasn't there anywhere. I sat on a couch that was pushed against a wall. I was early extremely angered and disappointed I took out my phone and texted Sam
Where are you ??
Be there soon Darling
Darling? What the hell ?
Get here

Authors Note
Well P.O.V. might be ending I'm not a fan of it unless you guys are. Thanks for reading. Btw for those real life characters reading Who is Sam?

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