Chapter 37 - Cliffs

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Ivan came bursting into Daliahs room, while Sam got Jackson from the kitchen
"SLEEPY HEAD LIVING ROOM RIGHT NOW" Ivan screamed panicked. Daliah heard the panic in Ivan's voice and rushed out of bed stumbling through the door way.
"Um guys what's up" Daliah said half awake falling onto the couch
"Don't get comfortable we have to go now" Sam said
"It's Dakota" Ivan said "she's hurt and she's gone, and we need to find her"
"Well I can't fly anywhere I'm hurt" Daliah said
"She's on the ground somewhere, she can't leave the island, and she doesn't have powers to do anything" Sam said "I think I know where she is" Sam said looking out a window towards the cliffs and pointing to a figure.
The group quickly exchanged glances and ran out the door down to the cliffs

"We can't climb down in time" Ivan Said at the top of the cliff
"But we can fly, I'll grab Dal and we fly down" Sam said
"Uh guys, I'm here ?" Jackson stated standing behind the group
"Jackson you have to stay up here please, I doubt she wants any of us down there. After you guys drop me down there fly back up please guys I can help her, I think" Daliah said
"No dal you Can.."
"shut up all of you" Daliah said interrupting Sam "dont make me fly down myself" Sam stopped doubting Daliah and flew her down.

Down on the cliff Dakota was standing inches from the edge looking like she was about to jump.
"Hey Dakota" Daliah said acting as if nothing was wrong
"Daliah I don't want you here, you'll just hurt me more I don't want you here, leave me alone, go." Dakota sounded panicked she talked fast
"Dakota please come here we can talk about this together you can work through this." Daliah begged
"No you can't help me, you can't bring Noah back, you can't get my family to take me home" Dakota said getting closer to the edge. Daliah walked up and took Dakotas arm.
"Let go of my arm I'll jump" Dakota said tears welling up in her eyes
"Dakota you can't jump with me holding your arm " Daliah giggled and so did Dakota
"Here come over here with me and we'll talk about this you'll be ok" Daliah said with a soft smile on her face.
Back up on the cliff the group watched intently
"Ooh look guys she got her to back off the cliff " Ivan squealed with excitement
Daliah motioned for the group to come down.
"I'm gonna have the others come down and we'll talk about this and you'll be ok" Daliah said guiding Dakota to a charred rock.

Authors Note

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