Authors Note
Sorry for the extremely boring chapters lately but I'm completely out of ideas and have writer's block I hope this chapter is better but no guaranteesDaliah woke up lying on the couch in the tree house with no sight of Jackson . She noticed a note on the table next to the couch and picked it up.
Dear Daliah
Meet upstairs at the house
❤JacksonDaliah was extremely confused by the heart. She went up to the house dodging students on their way to classes. Daliah also had no idea she looked hungover. Daliah walked into the house and found no one there so she decided to take a shower.
After Daliah finished she went into her bedroom and found a note on her bed
Dear Daliah
Meet me at the roof at 8 pm
❤JacksonStill extremely confused by the heart, Daliah grabbed her laptop and decided to email Jackson
What's up with the notes and phantom like ness??
Within minutes she got a reply
Not telling. You'll see later
The emails went back and forth for a couple minutes
Is this a date Jackson or are you trying to throw me off the roof
He responded
Yes if you must know it is a date and I'm not going to throw you off the roof I wouldn't do that to you
Daliah finished the conversation with
Surre you wouldn't by the way can't wait see You tonight
Daliah closed her laptop and wondered were everyone was including Mallory And Elliot.
Mean while
Sam and Mallory were hanging out at the tree house
"So you're French royalty ? What are you doing at this dump anyway" Sam asked Mallory staring into her eyes
"Well It seemed like fun" she answered
"Hey Mally Would you like to..... Like hang out sometime? I mean you're really pretty and..." Mallory interrupted sam
"I'm really not supposed to...... But why the hell not? Right I mean What could my parents do from here ?"Meanwhile
Elliot had gotten lost on campus and couldn't find His way back to the penthouse. He wandered around aimlessly until he stumbled pain a familiar face it was Ivan
"Oh Ivan I'm so glad I found you" Elliot said awkwardly hugging Ivan
"Uhuh Yeah you too I guess" Ivan said pushing him away
"Well I got lost and...." Elliot said being interrupted
"Again Elliot you've been here two days and you've gotten lost more times than I can count" Ivan said you could hear the disappointment in her voice " Up those stairs take a left at the top and end of the hall"All in one day Elliot got lost. Sam and Mallory are going on a date. And Jackson has something planed for Daliah on the roof.

Meddlers Academy
ФэнтезиDo you have unique powers? Are you a Genius? Is your dream to be anything but good? If you answer yes to any of these questions you belong at Meddlers Academy. Meddlers Academy or MA is a large boarding school on the hidden island Maysalya where ext...