Daliah woke up to the sound of Dakota knocking a lamp off her nightstand trying to turn her alarm off. She got up and glared at the time 731
Daliah dragged herself out of bed and put on her uniform. She grabbed her book bag and headed down to the meal hall for breakfast.
The waiters once again came out and handed a plate of eggs and bacon to everyone. Soon after Dakota and the mystery man from her room last night had joined Daliah at the table.
"Good morning Daliah" the guy said
"Who the hell are you" Daliah said not looking up from her plate and taking a sip of her coffee
"Daliah this is......." Dakota was interrupted by a message on the intercom
"Dakota Jade please come to the office immediately thank you." the electronic voice said
"God dammit" Dakota said as she got up pushed in her chair and left
"Well since she was interrupted I am her boyfriend Noah" the guy said as he grabbed his plate and moved to another table
Daliah finished up the her food just before the bell for class rang. She grabbed her coffee and hurried to her first class.Authors note
Sorry for the extremely short chapter I cut a chapter because I'm falling asleep writing this. Your move Jackson. How do you like that cliff hanger Gwyn?

Meddlers Academy
FantasyDo you have unique powers? Are you a Genius? Is your dream to be anything but good? If you answer yes to any of these questions you belong at Meddlers Academy. Meddlers Academy or MA is a large boarding school on the hidden island Maysalya where ext...