After Daliah and Jackson left the theater they had walked silently back to their rooms with a couple of awkward glances. The minute Daliah had walked in the door Dakota had bombarded her with rambling out of which Daliah understood none of.
"Hey slow down and say that again" Daliah said plopping on her bed.
" Well what I meant was I'm showing you and your boyfriend to the pool" Dakota said jokingly
"Lets get one thing strait Dakota, he's not my boyfriend OK." Daliah said angrily
"Fine whatever go tell him to come with us then put your swim suit on"
"Swim suit?" Daliah was confused
"Top drawer" Dakota said digging through her top draw with her mind.
Daliah walked across the hall to Jackson's room and knocked on the door
"Hey Sammy get the door" Daliah heard Jackson's voice through the door. A short boy opened the door towering over Daliah flying on his wings.
" Hello there Madam" the fallen Angel said "I'm Sammy"
"Hi Sammy, I'm Daliah and I'm here to talk to Jackson."
Jackson walked to the door.
" Hey what's up?"
"Dakota wanted me to invite you swimming with us"
" Ok I'll be ready soon meet you down there with Sammy?"
"Sure" Daliah said walking back to her room. She put on the uniformed swim suit and headed down to the pool. Daliah had gotten tired of walking and had turned into a small bird and flew just above Dakotas head.When they reached the pool Daliah changed back to human and, it was completely empty except for Sammy and Jackson having a splash war. Dakota and Daliah walked over to the stairs of the pool. Sitting on the edge of the chilly water, Jackson decided to splash Daliah to get her in the water. Daliah got up out of the water ran and cannon ball jumped right next to him. Splashing Dakota she retaliated by making a giant wave in the swimming pool knocking the three under water. They played for hours. Eventually the sun started going down and they all retired to the hot tub. They didn't stay in for long when the warning bell for dinner rang meaning they had 45 minutes. Jackson, Daliah, Sammy, and Dakota all walked back upstairs to there rooms to change back into their uniforms.
"So Daliah, you seem so interested in the shadow manipulator what's up with that" Dakota randomly said while reading her book waiting for Daliah to finish brushing her hair.
"What do you mean I don't care at all he's just a friend" Daliah said in denial
"Sure. We gotta go or we're going to be late" Dakota said putting her book down and walking out the door.
"Think whatever you want Dakota " Daliah said following Dakota out the door.Authors Note
So just cuz SOMEONE is bugging me make this update number 5 for this weekend. Are the chapters getting boring?

Meddlers Academy
FantasyDo you have unique powers? Are you a Genius? Is your dream to be anything but good? If you answer yes to any of these questions you belong at Meddlers Academy. Meddlers Academy or MA is a large boarding school on the hidden island Maysalya where ext...