Chapter uh?- How Jackson came to the academy

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Jackson came from a family of shadow manipulators. His parents had both went to the academy and had become successful villains. He was forced to go to the academy by his parents. Jackson was different from his parents in the fact that he hated people. On the day he was flown to Meddlers had been probably the worst day of his life not only did he have to be forced to a random island in the middle of no where to academy he didn't want to go to he also had to leave his pets behind. Jackson loved his pets like children, they were his best friends.
"Mother I am not going to that 'academy' I'd rather die." Jackson said explaining "especially not without at least Ellie"
"I'll take fine care of her" the butler Said butting in
"We are leaving now Jackson now does Harvey have to force you into the car or are you going to cooperate?" His mother said walking to the car. He stood silently protesting. Harvey the security guard came, picked him up, and shoved him in the car. It was a silent ride to Juno, with the occasional angry sarcastic comment from him. Jackson was the first one to show up. He silently got put of the car walked to the plane and took a seat. Staring out the window waiting for his mother to drive away. Others got on the plane all taking seats away from the guy who looked like death itself. He went from mad to depressed after a while. He missed his pets and he hated the hell he was being shipped off too.

Authors note
This is were his story catches up to the story we know now.

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