Daliah had proceeded back into the bathroom trying to make as little noise as possible. In trying to do this she knocks over a lamp and Dakota wakes up. Half expecting to get screamed at or hurt Daliah freezes.
"Daliah could you be a little quieter please." Dakota asked in her sweet tone no one had heard for months
"Uh sure sorry." Daliah said slipping into the bathroom. She was confused all of the sudden Dakota had either lost her grip on reality or come out of her depression. Daliah really hoped it was the second one but there was no sure fire way to tell until morning, so Daliah went to sleep with everything that had happened that evenning.In the morning Daliah is awoken by Dakota who is busily getting ready and cheerfully singing to the radio.
"Dakota what are you doing up at 7 in the morning." Daliah said stuffing her face into her pillow blocking the light out
"Oh well I was just so excited and full of energy that I decided to wake up early and later on I'm going to go to the tree house before school. Wanna come with?" Dakota said fast while brushing her hair. Daliah knew better than to ask Dakota what happened to her.
"Nah I'm good Dakota but I will meet up at breakfast with you." Daliah said switching off the light on her side of the room. After about 15 more minutes of Dakota singing and getting ready, she left, and Daliah sprang out of her bed to get ready. She quickly put her clothes on, made herself look half way decent, and ran across the hall to wake up Jackson. *Knock knock* she waited at the door. After a few minutes of no answer she tried the door knob and sure enough it was unlocked. Sound asleep Sam was on the floor with his wings spread out. It seemed to be someone in the bathroom assuming it was Jackson, Dakota quietly closed the door and walked back to her room. Daliah decided to go back to sleep until her alarm.An hour and a half passes when Daliahs alarm goes off, along with every alarm in the dorm. She finishes getting ready from 2 hours ago and tries knocking on Jackson's door.
"What do you want?" he said as he opened the door, looking as if he had just got up when Daliah knocked
"Can we talk really quick?" Daliah said pulling Jackson into her room "Listen its about Daliah. She like changed over night its really weird. She's at the tree house and she's meeting us at breakfast."
"What do you mean changed?" Jackson questioned half awake
"You'll see" Daliah said grabbing her bag and walking out of her room.

Meddlers Academy
FantezieDo you have unique powers? Are you a Genius? Is your dream to be anything but good? If you answer yes to any of these questions you belong at Meddlers Academy. Meddlers Academy or MA is a large boarding school on the hidden island Maysalya where ext...