Chapter 10: Fly Away

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Adam's POV:
I'm packing my things but I can't stop thinking about Lucy. What is wrong with her? I thought she loved me. I zip the sack and throw myself on the bed starring at the ceiling. My heart aches and I really want to see her but the thought of her not wanting me- hurts.
I walk through the doors of the Airport, wearing my favorite shades, my recently bought black leather jacket and black boots. With every step I take- I feel like I wanna take a hundred back and kiss her. Everything I see, every scent reminds me of her, making my heart ache.
"The next flight for Los Angeles, USA is in 2 hours" The announcement says.
I sit in a seat and turn on some music.

Lucy's POV:
It's 8am and I'm covered in my sheets avoiding every thought of him because I know that if I allow myself to think about him, it would be too late to take back what I did and I'll regret it forever. I finally force myself to walk to the bathroom and when I do, I fill the sink with cold water a dip my face in it, feeling the fresh coldness wakes me up.....then I realize that I need to breathe so I immediately stand up and gasp for air like someone's been drowning me all along.....then the air fills my heart and for some reason I see tears in my eyes.
I soon find myself rushing to get dressed...why? I need to get to him! I need to tell him, what I did to him was not fair...I'm a horrible person. it's still 8:30am and his flight leaves at 10am...will I get there on time?! I have to!! I love him and I don't care what the circumstances are, I just need him. He changed me in a good way. He's my missing piece.....

Driving my car and running all the red lights, I keep looking at the time to see how much harder I need to push the pedal to speed. I will make it on time... He deserves to know I love him.


I enter the airport gates and see hundreds of people rushing and talking. I hear an announcement declaiming:
"Flight for L.A., United States leaves in 5 mins."
OMG NO! I'll never make it on time...I begin to run not knowing where I'm going. I decide to ask a person from which gate the flight leaves and as soon as I hear 6, I begin to run....

Adam's POV:
"Last announcement for flight 11234 L.A., USA , Gate 6 leaves in 2 mins.
I grab my suitcase and with a cold look and a cold bleeding heart, walk towards the gate. I give my ticket to the flight woman collecting them and walk inside.
So cluttered in here. I barely make it to my seat. I sit down beside the window and and wait for take off.

Lucy's POV:
I see it! Gate 6... I run faster than ever feeling my lungs burning for air.
When I reach the Gate I immediately run towards the woman standing in front of it.
"Open up! I need to get in!" I shout gasping for air.
I look around and see no one sitting in the seats. I start to panic and my heart sinks to the ground. I hope it's not what I think it is.
"Are you a passenger?! Oh we're so sorry but this flight just left a minute ago! The next one is at 7pm" she informs me.
NO!! No no no no!
I cry inside and hearing this just makes me wanna kill myself! If only I had been here 1 minute ago!!
I suddenly find myself drop to the growing on my knees, crying. Out loud!
The woman looks at me worried.
"I'm sorry but don't worry there's another flight" she consoles me.
"No! You don't understand! He was in there! I need to tell him! I need to kiss him- I messed up! If only I could take back the time!" I bury my face in my hands and continue to cry.

Adam's POV:
I really hate the way this turned out. I can't stop thinking about the "what if's"
What if I was more careful. What if I had given her more space.... I regret things that never happened and I'm blaming myself for God's decision. I hate not being able to blame somebody else. I just hate the way it goes.
"We will land in L.A. at 4pm. Have a nice day" the flight attendant says.
When I go back I would have to finish my new album The Original High and get my mind off of this.
She never cared.

The plane lands and I walk towards my limo followed by fans who have heard I was coming home today. I really love spending time with them but today I can't concentrate on anything and every time I try to smile for them, my heart sheds a tear. So I just put on my hat and sunglasses hoping to hide any tears and get inside my limo.

Lucy's POV:
I walk to the car barely alive. How could I miss him? I hate myself so much. I get inside and start driving...
I turn on the radio hoping to get my mind off if this shit- but Underneath by Adam starts playing and I immediately turn it off. Nope, I can't cry anymore but I still hear my loud sobs and wet eyes....I don't want to cry. It's not worth it. It's over. I can't believe it's over! Why? What if.......what if....
No I can't bare thinking about the what if's.....I close my eyes for a second to clear my mind- it's dark and I think about my life before I met him, I try to erase the memories and basically's fading out, I feel thrilled for a moment but they all come flooding in again- overwhelming me and I squeeze my eyes harder not to cry.....but all of a sudden something scares me and interrupts my thinking and I hear a loud:


My heart jumps and I open my eyes to see a huge truck driving towards me! I try to swerve but lose control....
The last thing I see is the sun through the broken window and the last thing I hear is my own breath and tears on my lips....everything becomes black and I feel out of place... I can't see. Soon darkness possess the whole place and I don't remember anything anymore.

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